Car Battery And It’s Services: 3 Crucial Things To Know

4 min readMar 28, 2022


One of the increasingly overlooked components inside any car is its battery. This black, moderately sized source of power is what supplies the starter motor of the car along with the electrical current to the ignition system which your car requires to crank the engine.

It also serves to be an additional source of power during situations when the alternator’s power supply becomes insufficient for the increasing demands of the car. And also the perfect reservoir of electricity. However, no matter how essential the battery of your car is, it will not last forever. Therefore it’s wise to know and get an in-depth understanding of your battery to make the most of it — and in this write-up we will walk you through it all.

#1. Things Inside The Car Battery

The battery fitted in a car is the source of the power of all the electrical devices fitted inside the car. The battery powers the dome lights, the radio, and even the engine of the car. Let us talk about the things you must know about your car battery.

The mechanism of a car battery works by using chemical reactions to produce electricity. There are cell structures inside the battery that store the energy formulated from the chemical process. The process of chemicals working inside the batter works with lead-acid. The chemical reaction of the lead acid produces electricity which later gets stored in the cells.

The battery of a car falls into SLI battery type. SLI is an acronym for Starting, Lighting, and Ignition. These batteries result out to be a good performer in providing energy in short bursts inside the car. One of the batteries supports to start the engine and the alternation plays the role of power generation of the vehicle.

#2. Lifespan Of Car Batteries

As a car expert and enthusiast, you might have varying options regarding the average lifespan of a car battery. Some of you might say it would last well until 5 years, while some others might claim that it lasts for 6 to 7 years. All these are measured just with reference to the weather conditions which come under the term ‘normal’. It is the right humidity, temperature, right loading of power, and the right cycle of full charge.

You may face a dead battery issue anytime. Just like your mobile phone, the battery of your car also needs efficient energy to perform well. On average, one should replace their battery after every four years. In any case, if you face a situation of a dead battery the start mechanism of the car will be majorly affected.

Even if a friendly stranger insists on helping you, there would be very low chances of your battery being in a good shape and holding the charge. This happens because, when a battery keeps on discharging, a tiny portion of the plates in the battery disintegrate.

During the initial stage, you might not witness any negligible effect on the performance of the battery. However, with time such an effect would start degrading the cell capability. Holding on to the charge would instantly become increasingly critical. The performance of the alternator would also be impacted if the battery remains in a condition without proper charge.

Car Battery Service
Car Battery Service

#3. Choosing The Right Car Battery Service Dealer

Not every car battery service offers genuine service or products. Some of the battery dealers might also supply duplicate ones while claiming them to be authentic products. They fail to provide any service of installation or warranty while offering a substandard performance.

Hence, you must not turn a blind eye to just any service while you are looking for a “Car battery replacement service near me”. Reliable dealers would always offer you their original products with longer warranties, complementary services, and renowned manufacturers. You must make sure of making the maximum out of your purchase.

To find the best dealer for battery replacement in Buffalo, you should consider a few factors:

Firstly, you should always opt for dealers who provide fresh, genuine batteries from renowned brands. Secondly, one should go for dealers, offering long battery warranties. Thirdly, dealers should be well-equipped to cater to the diverse demands of batteries. Fourthly, a dealer with a good mobile car battery replacement service, as when your car breaks down they should be able to get into your location and swap your dead battery with a new one. This service should be similar to taking the vehicle to a shop without really visiting the shop.

The service advisor of KD Towing could assist you in determining the right battery replacement in Buffalo for the right vehicle, keeping in mind the durability needs according to the climate. The towing company excels in dealing with the battery failure and a comprehensive range of towing services.

If you ever need car battery service in Buffalo, don’t hesitate to reach out to the adept team of KD Towing.

