Khadijah Abu
2 min readDec 31, 2017


I participated in quite a number of career development initiatives. There was the Mind the Product conference, the Women Techmakers event, the one on Branding for Career Women, a couple of Breakfast Meetings and a gazillion FinTech conferences (side eye).

Pre-MTPcon session for ProductTank organisers

I invested a little more effort into my loved ones; spending time with friends and family was a way to ensure no one was planning to jump off any bridges any time soon. I also tried to share more…not every time be the sounding board, sometimes also pour out your heart.

I took my own advice for once and actually tried new things…recorded a TV show to encourage science students across the country, started hosting quarterly meetups for Product Managers in Lagos, took on some mentoring opportunities and even got to fulfil a speaking engagement.

Attendees at the last ProductTankLagos meetup

Perhaps the most significant change this year was quitting my job of over 10 years at Interswitch and joining the Paystack team.

My favourite MD
New gig, who this?

I learnt some valuable life lessons, let some people down, read a little more (paperback over ebooks), struggled with a bout of depression, didn’t meet any of my fitness or spiritual goals and (almost) had a mid life crisis.

Thankfully, I was able to do a lot of soul searching in preparation of this next stage and I’m ready to ‘do it afraid’, thanks to my amazing and extremely tolerant support system.

2018 is about being a lot more intentional about life. Armed with some audacious goals, a better plan for execution and implicit faith in God, I am excited about this phase and have every intention of living my best life.

Do You

I’m raising my glass to change, to hope, to dreams, to faith, to execution, to laughter, to life, to storytelling, to love, to 2018.

