Kit Reed
Mar 22, 2023

Coral lipstick glistening

Coating perfect lips

My mind filling

With images of

Soft sighs and

Long , passionate kisses

The taste of love and wine

Sweet on your tongue

My mind relives so much

Until that fateful day

The day I saw you

In his arms, guiltily drawing


Then my ears are filled

By the fluttering words

Of your love, whispered

Once more.

Now I watch as those

Words drop to the floor

Lies landing like soiled


No way to hide the shame

Tears roll down my cheeks

As I turn and walk away

Coral Lipstick
Kit Reed

I'm a writer, a teller of stories. Fantasy, Erotica, Horror, Humor, Mystery... Any that intrigue my imagination. Join me on the journey into hidden delights.