Continuation of Part 1
In Part 1, we explored the ‘key abbreviations’ dataset to learn about the features of how a Bible dataset is organized.
We are going to continue the visual exploration for the rest of the datasets below.
Exploring english_keys:
And the tail: english_keys.tail()
Time to graph. First up, features ‘g’ and ’n’
Exploring the Old and New Testaments
Now I am curious to find out what each Genre ID represents: genre_keys
Now that we have a brief understanding of the key descriptions for the bible versions, lets explore a version.
Lets start off with King James Version :
Might help to look at the shape of the KJV dataset before plotting : kjv.shape
Lets try plotting the chapters and verses represented in the table above :
I am curious to see what it would look like if I switched the x and y axis:
Time to explore the Books and Chapters of KJV :
Using a more descriptive plot to expand on Fig 16:
Part 2 of the Visual EDA series briefly shows which plotting libraries to use given a particular dataset.
I will keep updating more information as I learn more about this dataset. For now, I hope you found this somewhat informative.