New Number 1 Seller On Amazon Shows Why College Prep Starts in Elementary School

Henry Keculah Jr.
4 min readJul 24, 2020


Let’s face it, elementary students are preparing for the future from the moment they first walk into a classroom. The problem is, most of them are unaware of this fact for years, some of them until they’re well into junior high or high school.

What is College?: College and Career Readiness for K-12 Students” is the children’s book that parents and students have been waiting for. The one that gets them buzzing about what the future might hold. It also helps them become aware of the skills they need to develop to give themselves the best shot of being the person controlling their own destiny once their school days are at an end.

The idea for this book came to me after leaving a classroom full of students. The majority of them did not know what a historic Black college and university (HBCU) or an Ivy League school was. Yes, their teachers and principals had given them the basics, but it wasn’t embedded in their memories. I knew if I could write a relatable book about college and careers that students would be able to understand it.

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English language learners (ELLs) face some of the largest challenges in becoming prepared for college and careers. They often struggle to become proficient in English while trying to meet rigorous academic standards, and because they are frequently placed in classes with no language support, long-term ELLs often become disengaged in school (Olsen, 2010).

Overall, ELLs are twice as likely as their English proficient peers to drop out of high school in the last two years when they are preparing to make the transition to a postsecondary pathway. While only 5.8% of English proficient students drop out in the last two years of high school, 10.2% of ELLs drop out in this time period (Rumberger, 2006).

What kids need is that foundation of how what they’re learning today gets them ready for college tomorrow. While spending two years designing a college and career-readiness course, I quickly learned that elementary and middle school students could grasp a book geared toward creating a solid foundation for higher education learning. You can teach a first grader how to calculate a grade-point average (GPA) by using a report card. Fourth graders are able to understand the difference between unsubsidized and subsidized loans when you explain it to them in terms they understand.

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The more knowledge you can impart on kids at a young age, the better prepared they’ll be when that knowledge becomes their reality, and they need to make decisions and perform tasks that have a direct impact on how their future education will take place.

In 2018, I decided to write a children’s book to bridge the gap between what kids learn in school and what they need to know to take control of their future.

“Repetition is the father of learning.”

One of my favorite music artists is Lil Wayne. A quote from the DVD that accompanied his album “Tha Carter III” says that “Repetition is the father of learning.” That means if you want something bad enough and put in countless hours of preparation, you should be able to perform it to a high level of competency.

Every student may not be fortunate enough to learn about college and career readiness from their parents. This book is designed to provide students with different options for career ideas that may require a four-year degree or certification. My solution to the problem is creating content for students, parents, and teachers that exposes students to everything I felt that I should have learned in school to better prepare for the future.

What is College? is equipped with accommodations for English-language learners and students in special education. I was once in special education and knew firsthand how difficult and frustrating learning can be. These accommodations will make learning about college fun and inclusive for everyone.

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This book has been Number 1 on Amazon’s new book release list for more than 20 days in a row.

Purchase your copy today!

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Henry Keculah Jr.

Award business entrepreneur. Nonprofit consultant and college & career readiness expert.