1 Month Later

Kelvin Chow
4 min readSep 13, 2017


Can’t believe it’s week 5 already! // Source

Was so caught up with life, I forgot to update last week haha! Here goes:

Life after Lessons

Dance practices for my club’s upcoming dance concert has resumed. That roughly translates to lesser coding time, also taking account the prep work required for the item I’m choreographing for.. I think it’s just gonna get more hectic as we get nearer to November! Feeling really excited about the concert, but November also marks the end of this boot camp :(

As much as I would love to resume teaching dance (NEED actually, cause I’m broke), I can’t help but ponder about life after boot camp. How will I work out as a freelancer? How long will I take to land a few projects, and even my first major project? Will I have trouble coping? Some of my classmates do talk and discuss about job prospects as well. Well, these questions will never end, so we just have to make the best out of what we learn here!

Week 4, Plus a bit more

This week in Rails, we moved on to Associations, Validations, Flash, Images & Fonts. Sounds like a big chunk right? Actually, it can be quite simple (just talking about it)

Just imagine Associations as the link between 2 kinds of ‘objects’ inside the code. E.g. Author and Books. Instead of these 2 being treated as separate entities, we’re able to establish a certain relationship between them I.e. Author (has many) Books, and Books (belongs to) Author. This makes life a WHOLE LOT easier when coding -> we’re able to delete (remove) an Author from our system, and the Books belonging to that Author will be automatically removed too! Magic right? :)

Validations are checks we do to ensure important details exist. E.g. Checking if a new Author added has their ‘Name’ filled in. Imagine going to the library and being unable to find books by your favourite Author… and then you realise the books are recorded with empty named Authors!

Flash is just a way to display messages/notices to the user. Like how you get a ‘success’ message when you log-in to your account? Almost the same thing!

And Images & Fonts are well… Images & Fonts. we learned how to include special fonts, and then display them (images too) in our Rails project!

Thankfully, Ruby (and Rails) code is still human-readable.

Capstone Project

In this boot camp, we have a capstone project to be completed towards the end of the course. Last week, what we did was pitch our project ideas. We would then take a vote and we, together with Digital Marketing students, will be grouped based on your indicated interest.

I pitched an idea for a crowd web app. And we’re doing it.


I actually have no solid idea how because… I just thought of it in the morning journey that day. Well, I thought everyone had to pitch!


Gonna have our first meeting on it and I sincerely hope there’ll be some clear direction soon.

Also, we’ve started on a Photo Album App this week! I was so inspired by some of my classmates who had made an awesome To-Do App, mine paled in comparison and I was quite disappointed with myself. That’s why, I’m gonna make this Photo Album one a lot better!

Looking back, I’m feeling quite impressed and happy that we progressed this far, there weren’t really any major setbacks or troubles. I think it’s lucky we have a REALLY great instructor who’s capable both as a developer and teacher. It takes skill to know how to breakdown words/concepts and explain it to us using examples/simple terms. I’m really looking forward to lessons everyday. It would’ve taken ages to learn & UNDERSTAND this by ourselves.

That’s all for this update, Good Night! #100daysofcode #RubyonRails

Thanks for Reading! I’m Kelvin, I code, I dance, and I eat. Find out more or contact me at kedanco.com

