#100daysofcode — Completed!!

Kelvin Chow
4 min readJul 5, 2018


I started the journey on 14th August 2017..

Wait, that’s around 10 months back! Well, here’s what happened from the first day I started this challenge…

Round 1 took really, really long… // Source

The 1st Chapter

14th August 2017 was the first day of my 12-weeks Full-Time Web Development bootcamp at AlphaCamp. I had already known about #100daysofcode, so what better way to start than to document my new programming days along with my progress and learning points?

Then a major dance concert and my end of year holiday travels came along, and washed away any remaining habit of coding consistently. 1 day missed snowballed into 3 days, and then a week, and It pretty much didn’t recover from that.

It was so bad that when I attempted Codewars while I was in Japan, I realised my coding and problem-solving skills had deproved significantly. Even though it felt kinda wasted, I felt the need to restart from square 1 and develop the habit all over again.

Hence, round 1 started at the start of 2018!

Yay! New 2018 new start! // Source

The 2nd Try

My 2nd try didn’t go totally smooth either. Whatever I was learning/coding may not have aligned into a single goal, and sometimes I find myself suffering from Information Overload.

There was just too much to learn! But after some thinking and planning, I’ve decided to stick my time with React for now.

I also started to take up clients for website development projects, and even though it worked like a side job, the time spent on this would cause me to miss days of coding.

The Finishing Line

After a big number of missed days and inconsistency, I finally completed my Round 1 of #100daysofcode on 2nd July!

FINALLY // Source

I would say the biggest motivation would have been the habit of logging it on Github and twitter. Seeing others continue on definitely brought me back from some missed days. It was also a reminder that I had this challenge sitting here, and there were still tasks waiting for me to complete.

Tech Stack direction/Projects

Everyone’s #100daysofcode is different. Here’s what I worked on

  • Rails revision, backend for E-Commerce portal
  • Wes Bos JS30
  • Wes Bos CSS Grid
  • Wesbos React for Beginners
  • Google Scripts
  • three.js
  • FreeCodeCamp projects
  • Udemy ES6
  • Udemy React Redux
  • Tyler McGinners Free React Bootcamp

Majority of my days are fixed on learning from tutorials. I find that at my standard, this method of learning provides a smoother, more streamlined way of tracking my progress. Definitely an important pivot for Round 2 would be to have more attempts to create my own projects.

Also, I think that due to my working environment (dance instructor, freelancing), I spend a lot of time alone. There wasn’t a group around my daily working environment whereby I could bounce off ideas, receive guidance or do ad-hoc collaboration for personal projects. That would certainly benefit my journey a lot.

Working alone… for now. // Source

Looking Forward

My plans for Round 2 probably revolve around my Chingu Cohort project, learning more about React, its basics and the surrounding technologies, exploring a bit more of the WebVR/A-Frame world, and most importantly, creating a few more of my personal projects from these.

This post is not intended to boast or glorify the completion of this challenge, but rather bring forward the motivation that I received watching others achieve progress and create projects as a result of this challenge.

I hope anyone that reads this has their passion for coding burn stronger, and finish their first #100daysofcode someday :)

Another 100 days. // Source

Thanks for Reading! I’m Kelvin, I code, I dance, and I eat. Find out more or contact me at kedanco.com

