Coffee with Copium

March Wins: Followers, Payouts and Spring?

Recap of March (2024)

Coffee with Copium
3 min readApr 30, 2024


Baby chicken in someone’s hand
Photo by DesignerVN on Unsplash

New Beginnings

I know that April is almost over, so there is still time to post a March recap.

We are one quarter through the year, it’s madness! I feel like 2024 so far, has been slow, but also fast. If that make sense?

No matter though, let us look back on a successful March.

Third Payment

The third payment of the year surprisingly, was higher than in February at $5.27.

March was an important month because I spent time looking at my writing and which direction I wanted to go in. I worked on drafts and continued to read and comment on the stories of fellow writers.

Once again, the existing stories generated earnings! I was above the $1 mark and I am thinking about increasing this goal to $5 a month.

Earnings from January to March 2024
March Earnings | Source | Orginal Image by Author


I am incredibly grateful once again for all the new followers. I enjoy connecting with other writers and watching us support each other’s work.

To be honest, the screenshot below was taken in April, so the follower count should be lower. Thank you for continuing to be part of my community here at the Copium Corner.

Follower count displaying 719
Current Follower Count | Source | Orginal Image by Author

E-Mail Subscribers

There is good news. The e-mail subscribers are increasing! The list is becoming stable and currently reflects 15! That is 15 people who (hopefully) don’t see my stories as junk mail!

Don’t delay and be part of the Copium Corner now! All jokes aside, thank you to everyone who stays subscribed and subscribes. I hope to continue writing stories that are interesting, engaging and valuable.

Email subscribers showing 15.
Current Email Subscriber Count | Source | Orginal Image by Author

We are 25% through 2024, with 75% left, let’s make each day count!

Do you have any wins for the first quarter of 2024 that you are proud of? It can be drinking enough water, reading more or getting 7 hours of sleep.

Let me know in the comments. I enjoy reading and responding to each one.

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