Kedir Mohamed
3 min readOct 5, 2023


How We Can Help Our Teachers

In 2023, World Teachers’ Day celebrations will focus on the theme “The teachers we need for the education we want: The global imperative to reverse the teacher shortage”.

Today, we need to recognize the importance of teachers in our society and cultivate respect from parents, students, and the community at large. Let us talk about the challenges our teachers face in our school.

A teacher is someone who works in very challenging circumstances and is expected to achieve the best possible results. When we assign a doctor to a healthcare facility, we typically provide a professional team and the necessary equipment to support them in their daily tasks. Imagine a doctor trying to treat 50 patients without the assistance of nurses or proper medical equipment — it would be impossible for them to provide effective care. Similarly, teachers are educating millions of children everyday with limited resources, often using only a chalkboard. Their salaries are inadequate to support themselves and their families. They lack necessary teaching aids and professional development opportunities to enhance their knowledge and skills. They work tirelessly, like burning candles, to provide light for others while sacrificing their well-being. They are true heroes.

With the challenges and difficult conditions our schools and teachers face, it is important for us as a community to come together and support them by assisting with some of the daily challenges they encounter.

Teachers know better:

One of the most critical tasks for teachers to do daily is to have a thorough understanding of the content they teach and to plan it effectively throughout the year. No one can successfully teach something they do not understand well and have not properly planned for. With the country constantly changing its curriculum and delivery methods, teachers are struggling to keep up with the pace of government reforms. One possible reason for this is the lack of systemic training and tracking of teacher portfolios. The capacity of the district to support and assist teachers appears to be inadequate, as they seem to have little knowledge on this matter.

To address this issue, the government should work with the community, including universities or colleges, to establish systems that support teachers in their teaching roles by implementing school-based professional development programs. By sitting down with teachers to address issues they face in and out of the classroom, we can significantly enhance their performance in delivering classroom instructions. The community can play a vital role in this endeavor by providing technical and financial support, as well as setting up accountability measures for resources and student outcomes at the school level. It is crucial for all parents to actively participate and engage with schools in their children’s learning.

By creating a strong connection and collaboration between teachers and the community, we can ensure that both are equally invested and involved in the learning process in schools.

Student’s behavior

The second most difficult task that every teacher faces is managing students’ behavior. Many students do not cooperate, and some even refuse to attend class and participate in learning. Parents can play a crucial role in shaping their children’s behavior at home and should work with the school administration to address any misbehavior. But this looks, like a job for schools only. As a result of this, schools are encountering serious issues with student behavior similar to those depicted in the famous American drama “Blackboard Jungle” from 1955. Schools should be places that guide and shape students’ futures, but they are becoming epic centers for anti-school behavior. The community, local authorities, parents, and teachers must collaborate to create a positive environment that motivates and influences the younger generation. Teachers cannot tackle these challenges alone and may feel overwhelmed. We need to support them in addressing this critical problem. The impact of student behavior on national exam results is clear. Despite the challenges, teachers’ commitment and dedication help us all learn and grow. Together, we can make a difference in our schools and shape the future of the younger generation.

Kedir Mohamed Yusuf



Kedir Mohamed

I have been working in different institutions in Ethiopia. I have worked range of issues including fiscal decentralisation, education &institutional development