The Perfect Spring Break Vacation…That I NEVER Had.

Kedron Phillips
2 min readApr 8, 2024


Most people talk about their spring breaks when the weather starts getting warm. They brag about what their families have had planned for the past three months, and talk about how excited they are to go. I can say to you with 100% assurity, I have never had that experience. Trust me when I say I am so jealous of people who went to these crazy places growing up. So, follow along as I describe what my dream spring vacation would be.

First of all, let’s just say that sometimes staycations are more relaxing than the stress and strain of planning a vacation and being under time crunches to get to your airplane or hotel on time. Frankly, staycations have just never been appealing to me. That could be due to the fact that it’s all I’ve ever experienced in the first place, but that’s besides the point.

If I were to have it my way and had a couple extra hundred dollars lying around, I would treat myself to the best spring break I could think of. Where would I go? Definitely somewhere with overwater bungalows to stay in that has a private infinity pool attached to it with a slide that leads directly into the water that surrounds my cute little hut. Where could this dreamy, illustrious vacation spot be located, you might ask? There’s many different spots, but the one I would personally choose for myself would be the Maldives.

Photo courtesy of Flickr

Who wouldn’t want to go to the Maldives? The water is a beautiful, crystal clear blue that is surrounded by white sand and palm tree filled beaches. Instead of packing as many activities into one week as possible, I would pick a few smaller activities;, maybe one each day such as snorkeling, kayaking, and paddle boarding that I could walk out the front door of my hut and do. Every evening to end the night, I would walk around the small island I was staying on after eating dinner and watch the entertainment provided by the resort I would stay at.

I can say that I have never been on a vacation for spring break. In some aspects, that is probably better than going somewhere. At least from a saving money perspective. I can’t say I have never dreamed about what the perfect, probably not the most realistic, spring vacation would be. One thing is for sure…if I was in charge of planning the vacations growing up, my family would have definitely had more fun around this time of year!

