24. A Time in My Life Where I Felt Most Loved

Every single day

Keeley Schroder
2 min readFeb 28, 2023
My bedsharing baby. Photo by author.

That’s the thing about having kids that no one really talks about.

Everyone tells you how tired you’ll be or how messy your house’ll be but no one ever talks about what it’s like to have someone love you as much as an infant does.

A baby’s love is like nothing else.

My baby is now a toddler and I can’t tell you how blessed I feel every single morning when I wake up to a kiss on the face. Or somewhere around the face. Sometimes Caelin just kisses the air because he knows I like kisses.

He makes the smooching noise and it’s the cutest thing in the world.

Sometimes, when Caelin says mum or mummy, my heart stops for a beat or two. I have to stop and think, hang on, do I really have a son? How bizarre.

How bizarre is it to love and be loved like nothing else in the world.

Kayla Tackett

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Keeley Schroder

Mother to Caelin and Tiernan (two-legged children) and Phoenix (four-legged child). Lover of dogs, writing, true crime, Netflix, board games, wine and cheese.