Candace Owens and the Traditional Black Church: Not As Different As You Think

The Black Gen X’er
6 min readApr 7, 2024

One would think conservative Candace Owens and the traditional black church think a lot differently. Truth is they don’t. Traditional groups like the Church of God in Christ (COGIC) and Pentecostal church line up idealistically with her views. That’s a problem for democrats.

Candace Owens, as a conservative political commentator, has gained attention for challenging mainstream narratives and advocating for individual freedoms and reduced government intervention. She believes in personal responsibility, self-empowerment, and entrepreneurship as avenues to success for African Americans. Owens encourages individuals to reject a victim mentality and embrace opportunities for growth and achievement.

Owens also questions the effectiveness of policies like affirmative action, arguing that they can perpetuate dependency and hinder progress. Through her advocacy, she aims to empower individuals to take control of their own lives and pursue their dreams. Owens brings alternative viewpoints to the African American community, challenging conventional thinking and promoting critical thinking.

Traditional black churches in the America have a long-standing history of being pillars of the African American community. They provide spiritual guidance, social support, and a platform…



The Black Gen X’er

40 something Black Gen X’er from TEXAS with an interesting take on African American topics often with a humorous twist. Active Blogger and history writer.