Capturing ‘value’ in Marketing

Kees de Vos
3 min readMar 27, 2018


The concept of ‘value’ in business and marketing is an interesting one. Obviously in certain instances it can be measured in cold, hard cash but there are other measures too, and what one company sees as valuable another will disregard.

Over the years, we have continuously tried to capture the concept of the ‘value’ that we bring to our clients:

• What is the value of converting someone from a visitor to our store or website, into a buyer?

• What can we earn extra when a consumer comes to our store, rather than let them shop solely online? How much is that visit worth for us?

• How much can we save for companies if we help them sell to an existing customer, compared to acquiring a new one?

• What is the value of adding a new potential customer to a companies’ target audience?

• What value do we get out of a positive review? a video review?

If marketers could really understand the ‘value’ for a customer’s attention, business, brand advocacy and data insights, they can pro-actively decide what investment they should make to realise it.

A similar concept has already been successfully rolled out in Google AdWords, where marketers pre-determine what they pay for certain clicks on a search term based on the ROI (return on investment) they expect to receive.

That’s why we are doing the Momentum ICO right now and that’s is why we’re launching the MobileBridge Momentum Platform. It’s a blockchain based marketing automation platform that rewards customers directly for the attention, business, advocacy and insights they give to their favourite brands and retailers, in the form of crypto-currency.

For marketers, it allows them to assign a value to each action that positively influences their sales. This is a shift in thinking in the industry — currently the only comparable mechanism is a loyalty system, where a consumer signs up and receives a number of stamps, points or other representation of ‘value’. After a number of purchases, the rewards can be exchanged for goods or a discount. The marketer understands what they have spent on their loyalty program and can hopefully see how much additional revenue it has delivered.

But loyalty systems are struggling and hardly ever pay off. They don’t typically enhance the user experience and are not customer centric. This often results in a lack of momentum in the eye of the consumer and means they quickly lose interest in being part of these such programs. This leaves a massive insights and revenue gap for the retailer or brand.

The MobileBridge Momentum platform not only addresses the above problem, it reinvents marketing. And that’s a powerful proposition we think. Want to know more about the concept of value in marketing? Check out our Momentum website:



Kees de Vos

Kees is the CEO of MobileBridge and proud father of two kids. In digital since the 90’s and still loving it. Born in Holland, living in the UK, working globally