Day one…

Kees de Vos
3 min readFeb 16, 2018


After many months of preparation, the moment is finally here; the team at MobileBridge has launched its own token sale! What began as casual conversation about what it would take to really engage today’s consumer spiralled somewhat out of control and ended up in a radical re-think of our product strategy.

MobileBridge is an existing business; we have some really cool technology that allows our customers to build cross-channel customer experiences that really convert. Based on a clever combination of geo-targeting, personalisation, clever content strategies and the timely deployment of the incentives, our customers see quite incredible conversion rates; sometimes of up to 50%(!).

However, if you look at the broader digital commerce/marketing industry we operate in, it is broadly failing in its job. The most overused words I have heard over the last few years have been ‘customer engagement’. Yet, only very few brands and retailers succeed to do just that — engage. Build relationships with consumers, build conversations, take the time to get to know them, and reward them appropriately for their trust and loyalty.

Today’s consumer is wiser than ever and the power of the individual is incredible. Yet marketing efforts to connect to that consumer are incredibly ineffective; marketing communication is often deleted without it even being read. Why? It’s irrelevant, out of context, unwanted, or simply put; spam. Loyalty programs set up to foster ‘lifelong relationships’ with customers, also very often completely miss their purpose. The focus is much more on gathering customer data to send out more spam, than to reward customers handsomely for their ongoing interest in the brand. As a result, we all sign up to many loyalty programs, yet, the points we accrue very often go to waste, let alone make use more loyal.

So, something has to change. What if we could change the way companies build relationships with their customers? What do you need for that? Outside, of course, the right product, the right proposition, great customer service, it’s about two things; trust and value. Make sure that you only engage with people when it is relevant for them, treat them and their information with respect and reward them for the time and energy that they invest in your brand. And that is where we ended up.

We will redefine the way companies build and manage relationships with their customers and to enable that we will be launching the world’s first blockchain and cryptocurrency based, marketing automation platform: The MobileBridge Momentum Platform and the Momentum Token.

A system that will give consumers complete insight and control over the user data that is stored and gathered about them, and gives them the ability to decide which data is used for marketing purposes and which not. In addition, it is a system that encourages and rewards genuine engagement. It will reward consumers not only when they buy something, but every time they do something positive for the brand and contribute to the mutual relationship. Consumers will be able to get rewarded for coming to store, introducing their friends, leaving a product review, signing up to an email campaign or simply leaving their personal details. Any rewards they will collect, will be easy to spend or exchanged into another loyalty or reward program, or into other crypto-currencies.

Using our solution, companies will be able to launch their own branded cryptocurrency-based marketing and/or reward schemes, get a much better understanding of their customers and drive much more activity in their customer base. More importantly, consumers will get two things they don’t have today; relevant marketing that is actually connected to what they care about, and a share in the value they bring to a brand or retailer.

It’s going to be an amazing journey. We will keep you posted on our progress. Learn more on our website, download our whitepaper or lightpaper and join the conversation on our Telegram channel —



Kees de Vos

Kees is the CEO of MobileBridge and proud father of two kids. In digital since the 90’s and still loving it. Born in Holland, living in the UK, working globally