When did marketing get so hard?

Kees de Vos
3 min readApr 13, 2018


In 2012 a Harvard Business Review article boldly declared ‘Marketing is Dead’. Here we now are, six years on, and while marketing still exists they can be little doubt that is has got harder and harder, and will continue to do so.

The HBR article cited three main reasons why traditional marketing was dying:

  1. Buyers are no longer paying much attention. They do their own research and that often includes word-of-mouth or customer reviews.
  2. CEOs do not have the patience with marketing any more, believing it lacks credibility and the ability to generate business growth.
  3. In today’s social media-infused world, traditional marketing and sales doesn’t even make sense any more. Why should a consumer be susceptible to influence from people they do not know or have any interest in?

I agree. Traditional marketing is in trouble. Consumers are mobile-centric or mobile only. They are tired of endless email campaigns (spam!), don’t see the value in customer loyalty and operate in a world where there are no longer any borders between the physical and digital world.

Companies are finding it increasingly hard to reach these customers effectively, but their tools to do so are simply inefficient and not fit for purpose. According to recent technology adoption research we commissioned with Forrester, even large digital transformation projects fail to deliver better ways to engage with the modern customers efficiently.

Today’s consumer is all about convenience, endless information and social influence. Their mobile phone and the services it provides are integral to their life. When looking for information, something to buy or places to go, their mobile phone is the first destination and the opinion of the community and especially their friends significantly influences their thoughts and decisions.

This is a major challenge, but also an incredible opportunity for companies:

  • What if you could engage with the people that are most relevant for you, at the right time, the right location, in the right moment, in a way that fits seamlessly in their lives?
  • And what if your loyal customers would happily carry out that engagement for you, with the people they know and understand?

This is where MobileBridge comes in — using a sophisticated combination of data, mobile messaging, indoor and outdoor geo-location, personalisation and loyalty capabilities, we can target the right customers and drive higher conversion with remarkable results.

Building on this even further is the launch of our new MobileBridge Momentum platform, which will change forever the way in which marketing is carried out. It’s a blockchain based solution, powered by crypto tokens that enables companies reward their (potential) customers for each contribution they make to a more effective marketing approach. It stores data and value in a secure and transparent manner and provides unparalleled insights into the marketing budgets spent.

Our new platform, powered by the Momentum Token is a revolution for both consumers and marketers. The only platform that harnesses the benefits of blockchain technology and crypto-currency, and combines it with a powerful workflow based marketing engine. A reliable and safe place where consumers will be rewarded for the data they are willing to share, the friends they introduce, the feedback they provide and the products they buy. We are rewriting the world of marketing and loyalty and creating a world of incentive based rewards; understanding and assigning value to each contribution that helps companies sells more.

Welcome to a new way of marketing, welcome to the world of Momentum.



Kees de Vos

Kees is the CEO of MobileBridge and proud father of two kids. In digital since the 90’s and still loving it. Born in Holland, living in the UK, working globally