Designing an electric car dashboard

Jordi Milan (kehms)
3 min readMay 27, 2020


UX/UI data visualization case study

This project has been carried out in 4 days of research and development of the interactive prototype for work on data visualization.

The objective of the research is based on how users who drive an electric car can use the information to make decisions, based on the suggestions of the system.

User persona

The needs of drivers are different depending on the use they make of their vehicle, in this case, our user person after conducting 9 interviews with users of electric cars is as follows:

We discovered that, although the information provided by the vehicle system today is very effective, there is concern about the anticipation of events when making unusual journeys or in places far from their home, because this is the most frequent place of charge.

Problem statement & Design question

The objective of the project is to offer different solutions in different situations: being able to find the closest charging point taking into account the remaining battery, calculating the remaining route to reach all destinations, and displaying the eco mode if necessary.


The changes made are intended for vehicle drivers with the steering wheel located to the left, using their right hand in case they have to interact.

This is important for accessibility and navigation and also for information display.

Eco mode changes consumption priorities, such as air conditioning, speed limit, and functionalities that are not considered as necessary as reaching the destination with sufficient load.

Moodboard & Styletile

The mood board is inspired by a mix of electricity and nature as they are two environmental elements related to the low emissions of electric vehicles.

