Keira Rose
3 min readAug 4, 2015


Colors play a crucial role when it comes to postcard printing and mailing and in its effective marketing. A lot depends on how your potential customers will reciprocate to any specific shade. Some colors are almost synonymous with certain human sentiments and it’s the emotional association that you should focus on when using them in postcard marketing.

Do you know what is meant by the 40/40/20 principle of direct mail marketing? It states that 40 percent of success depends on the quality of your printed materials, next 40 percent on what you are offering, and the remaining 20 percent on other factors including material presentation. For instance, you have a great offer to print a big bunch of invitational postcards for the prayer meet post the death of the founder of some tech biggie, and you end up using an inappropriate fuchsia pink with neon fonts. Sounds obnoxious, isn’t it? This shows how presentation is the key to the success of your direct marketing efforts. What shades you choose will primarily decide whether you campaign deserves human attention or not. This raises the obvious question — what are the best colors that boost your postcard marketing efforts?

Here are the theories pertaining to postcard colors:

Warm Colors

Red: It is associated with several emotions like passion, danger, aggression and energy. It is also used by marketers to grab customers’ attention or promote something special. People in the food business often use red as it arouses hunger and the urge to eat.

Pink: This is more of a feminine color and generally used to market products used by women, young girls or babies. For example, you can use pink if associated with the clothing business or selling soft toys such as cute teddy bears meant for the younger female crowd or for toddlers.

Yellow: It evokes feelings of happiness, optimism and can be used along with red for grabbing attention and promoting sales. For example, McDonald’s uses yellow for the letter ‘M’ with red. Red acts like an appetizer. Yellow is associated with the cheerfulness of dining out.

Elegant, Sophisticated and Fantasy Colors

Purple: This is a color associated with luxury, opulence and extravagance. Purple is extremely popular in the beauty and fashion industry. Chocolate manufacturing companies use different shades of it to add a sense of luxury and elegance to their postcard printing materials. Even hotels like using purple in their printed postcards.

Violet: Violet is also used to market sophisticated products such as music compact discs (CDs). It also relates to the world of fantasy and fiction. That’s why publishers when promoting books on fantasy use it in profusion to make readers escape from life’s practicalities.

Black: This is another color which is associated with sophistication. Businesses promoting luxury products such as clothing, swanky cars and jewelry often use black, and if you, too, are engaged in similar business, you can always make a statement with a jet black postcard. Use some golden embossed fonts to add weight.

Cool Colors

Green: It is considered as a color associated with health. That’s why green is often used in pharmacies and healthcare industry. For example, if you are introducing a new health drink, use profuse green in your postcard to market the same.

Blue: This is one of the most popular shades used in print marketing. The bigwigs in the technology sector use blue. Samsung, IBM, HP and Intel use it in their print materials. Even banks and other financial institutions use blue as it evokes a sense of trust and reliability.

Brown: It creates natural connection and is associated with earth. Brown is used as a reliable color in the agricultural sector.

Well, now you certainly have a fair idea about what colors to use to add a dramatic twist to your postcard printing and mailing efforts. Indeed, knowing what colors are perceived in what way by your customers can be a big starting point of your marketing campaign.

Keira Rose

Keira Rose is a technical writer with several years of experience, Her passion for helping people in all aspects of online information providing.