Keith Price
5 min readJan 13, 2024
Image by DC Studios

Well, guys, it’s finally that time! 2024 is off to a wonderful start regarding the DC animated universe, because on January 9, Justice League: Crisis on Infinite Earths — Part One was released. I got a chance to watch the movie last night, so I figured I would share my thoughts about it with you guys. Before we get started, please keep in mind that this review article will contain spoilers. This means if you haven’t seen the first film yet, that you should probably give it a watch before jumping into this discussion.

For those of you who remember my last article on this film, we briefly discussed the background and plot of Crisis on Infinite Earths. In the 12-issue limited series created by Marv Wolfman and George Pérez, heroes and villains fight back against an antimatter wave that’s slowly destroying the DC multiverse. The Arrowverse was the last visual medium through which we saw Crisis on Infinite Earths adapted. However, this animated film directed by Jeff Wamester seeks to condense the events into an easily digestible three-part narrative.

Image by DC Studios

That said, the film begins with Barry Allen, voiced by Matt Bomer, waking up shortly after the lab accident that gave him his superpowers. Following the accident, Barry goes to a local diner, which is where he encounters Iris West, voiced by Ashleigh LaThrop. From this meeting, we see that Barry appears to be getting trailed by a homeless man, whose identity and connection to the Flash seem to be unknown. However, before we can get any answers, Barry is thrown through time.

Image by DC Studios

The time period in which our Scarlet Speedster shows up is during a battle with Amazo, an android created by Professor Ivo. At this point, it becomes clear what’s happening, because the battle with Amazo is what prompts the formation of this universe’s Justice League. This iteration of the league includes Superman, Batman, Martian Manhunter, Green Arrow, Vixen, and Flash as its founders. What’s happening is that Barry is slipping through time, and every moment he ends up in is a pivotal moment in the history of the Tomorrowverse. Although, it’s not just the history of the Tomorrowverse that’s being retold, but also Flash’s perspective of everything that’s happened.

The next few time-slips that occur take us to various points in Barry and Iris’ relationship. We also visit Earth-3, a world dominated by the villainous Crime Syndicate, and eventually, the Monitor’s Watchtower.

Image by DC Studios

What Are My Thoughts on the Film?

As a diehard DC fan, it’s extremely hard to displease me, especially when it comes to the animated universe. That said, I absolutely loved everything about this movie. Since this was only part one of a three-part entry, it’s understandable that there would be more exposition than action. Even then, the focus on Barry and Iris prepares you for a significant emotional investment. Unfortunately, I imagine that some people will probably see this as more of a “Flash and the Justice League” movie, versus an actual Justice League movie itself.

If you’re not current with the Tomorrowverse, or at least have some knowledge of what Crisis on Infinite Earths is about, the movie might feel a little disconnected at times. This is especially true because every timeslip that Barry enters feels like its own self-contained story. However, everything was adapted well enough that new subplots could be introduced without straying too far from the source material.

As I mentioned before, this story is told through Barry’s perspective, so we follow him through his first encounter with Iris, their wedding, and eventually to the end of their lives. I found this particular plot point to be incredibly wholesome, even more so with how it contrasted against the looming end-of-the-multiverse bleakness. Seeing the love of these two characters really put into perspective what was at stake. In the event that things didn’t pan out well, it wouldn’t just be Barry and Iris losing their special bond. We, as the viewers, would also be losing characters that we’ve grown to love throughout the years. So, I believe part one’s focus on these two somewhat mirrors our relationship with the Tomorrowverse, which is why it’s so easy to empathize with Barry and Iris towards the end. It’s not something that we want to end.

Now, the end of part one is where everything starts to make more sense, because that’s when all the time-slipping that’s happened finally comes together. The sequences involving Amazo and Earth-3’s Crime Syndicate ultimately shape the final act of the film. Following the initial gathering in the Monitor’s Watchtower, we see the multiversal heroes work together to create a defense against the coming antimatter wave. After the loss of a few villains, some premature farewells, and seemingly the day being saved, we close out the movie with an unknown threat still on the horizon. At the end of it all, we still know nothing about the Monitor’s true intentions, the homeless man who was sending Barry through time, or the main threat. However, it’s only right to assume that all these questions will be answered in part two.

All in all, I think the movie laid some solid groundwork. Obviously, trying to cram the entire crisis event into a three-part movie is a tall order, but I think everything started off really strong. It was nice to hear some familiar voice actors reprising their roles, and the animation quality was top notch, in my opinion. I know some people aren’t really fans of the Tomorrowverse’s bold-lined art style, but I rather enjoy the clean and defined look.


If I had to recommend Justice League: Crisis on Infinite Earths — Part One to someone, would I? I absolutely would! I think it makes for an exciting watch, regardless of whether you’re a casual or hardcore fan of the DCU. I also have no doubt that Marv Wolfman and George Pérez would’ve been honored to see their series hitting the TV screens.

That said, I’d love to hear you all’s thoughts on this. What did you think of part one? Are you excited to see where the story goes? Did you find Barry and Iris’ relationship to be emotionally captivating? What did you think of the ending? If you‘d like to keep the conversation going, comment on this article. Alternatively, you can subscribe to me at ‘Keith Price’ to get my takes on everything related to Gaming, Tech, and the DCU!



Keith Price

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