Survive and Thrive

Keith Brodie
2 min readDec 26, 2019


Life on Earth began 3.5 billion years ago, and the modern human appeared roughly 200,000 years ago. The human species is the winner of an epic struggle. There is symbiosis in nature and in us; nevertheless modern humans have out-run, out-worked, out-hunted, out-fought, and out-thought all other species. That’s not a value judgment; it’s a simple fact. Were it not true we would not be here. Concern about our impact on the environment is a good and healthy thing but it should be kept in perspective. No other species would give a second thought to wiping modern humans out. We are not intruders. We are the product of a system that puts every species to the test and kills off most of them. Part of our test now; the test of the only species that can reach beyond Earth, is caring for the planet which bred us.

There have been roughly 10,000 generations of modern humans. Each generation goes through competitive mate selection and a struggle to determine if they can survive with enough surplus to raise children. You are the product of 10,000 generations of selective breeding. You come from an extraordinary line of winners. You have emperors and slaves in your ancestry. No one is above you or below you by birthright.

Uncle Ken

Your great uncle Ken was ceremonially buried alongside the Kennewick river 9000 years ago, 450 generations back. He died at the age of 40. He had a stone spearpoint embedded in his hip, the result of combat at the age of 20. He had fractured ribs and a fractured skull; all long-healed without any hospital visits. You are made of tougher stuff than you can possibly imagine. When you’re feeling unsure about whether you can face what’s coming, remember uncle Ken.

For about 190,000 out of the 200,000 years that modern humans have existed; we lived exclusively in tribes. You may be a patriot, a member of a religious order, a dedicated atheist, a solitary intellectual, a community organizer, a social media presence — but whatever else you are — you are tribal. Your brain is wired that way. You care more for people inside your tribe than out. You seek approval inside your tribe. You commit to your tribe. In this modern age we have many choices never previously possible. You can choose your tribe. Choose carefully. No one thrives alone.

