LeBron James Should Run for President in 2020

2 min readNov 26, 2016


There’s plenty of lessons that the Democrat Party should learn from Hillary Clinton’s historic defeat at the hands of Donald Trump. However, if the world continues as it does and we just keep not being able to have nice things, it seems likely that one lesson they will learn from 2016 is that they need to have a liberal pop culture icon- particularly one popular with middle America- run for president in 2020. So, it’ll right in line with our recent string of luck if the Democrats counter Trump in 2020 with a LeBron/ Beyoncé ticket.

Come to think of it, this might not be a bad idea.

LeBron would have beat Trump in Ohio and Florida.

LeBron has been more successful in his line of work than Trump. LeBron is a legend in his industry. Trump is a middling Manhattan developer who hasn’t built much of anything in 25 years.

LeBron James is worth at least $300 million and has a lifetime deal with Nike that may be worth a billion dollars. He’ll be 32 next month. He’s never gone bankrupt and he’s never run a fake university or had to resort to peddling steaks. LeBron is a leader in the player’s union and has expertly worked his way around salary cap rules. He’s probably a better businessman than Trump.

LeBron is way more into charitable giving than Donald Trump.

LeBron has only once made an idiot of himself on television.

LeBron understands the plight of the working man in the rust belt.

If the DNC doesn’t do everything it can to make sure LeBron is the nominee in 2020, it is not doing its job.

Now, onto Beyoncé…




React Native developer, smug urbanite, smug cyclist, still-recovering Nokia fanboy, collector of unpopular video game systems.