What Makes a Great Story So Great?

Keith H
7 min readMay 13, 2019

Today, I spent some time surfing through Medium for some interesting stories to read.

I came across wonderfully crafted stories. Some were more interesting than others, but they were all quite popular.

That’s when my day got interesting.

See, I desire to be a better writer. And that may require some changes.

The success of yesterday’s story is yesterday’s news. My intentions are to learn from the last story and see how it could be better next time.

Anything I can do to improve is something I NEED to know.

So, I looked for all the tips and tricks. Simple ways to get people to click on my story, out of all the others.

Allow me to save you the trouble; there are no tricks. And the good tips that exist are as simple as they sound. Most people aren’t really willing to implement those simple tips in a way that works best for them.

I read many popular stories, all having very different topics of discussion. The majority of those topics, by the way, aren’t topics I’m a huge fan of. My purpose was to study why they became so popular.

They made perfect sense to me. And I didn’t have to read any of it twice to understand the writer’s point.



Keith H

I’m somewhere writing about creative ways to be more productive