Transcend the Spell

Keith J. Chouinard
5 min readMar 5, 2016

If you value freedom, then it is important to comprehend the freedom of being conscious.

When others attempt to control your consciousness; they are attempting to take your freedom away from you, in a form many may not grasp the magnitude of.

They are attempting to take your consciousness away from you.

There are many techniques used to control peoples consciousness. When those techniques are used over long periods of time, specially when used slowly, whole societies can be controlled in ways they are not conscious of. Whole societies can be overtaken by other forces, when the indiviual members of the society have lost so much consciousness that they fail to discern truth from illusion and lies. They have fallen under a spell of not being present within consciousness.

When you have leaders that use techniques which lead the people to believe what the leader wants the people to believe, so the leader has more control over others, there is a serious threat to the society as a whole. The collective consciousness of the society can suffer greatly. The individuals of the society lose their freedoms and abilitities of consciousness, when it is overtaken, by an illusion of consciousness that has been created to control them.

When leaders use illusions and lies, to control the consciousness of a society to believe what is in the interest and agenda of the leader, it is no different then casting spells limiting consciousness over the society. The attack on the consciousness of the society, results in reducing the abilities of forming thought constructs for what the members of the society can comprehend.

If leaders do this long enough, the society will enforce and feed the spell, and their subjugation to it, all on their own.

If leaders do this long enough, the new leaders that come forward may not even be conscious that they are doing it themselves. They lack the ability of being conscious of their own deceit and complicity.

When this happens, the society accepts and justifies further lies and illusions to keep their now accepted normalized consciousness in place without disruption. Cognitive dissonance reinforces the control of consciousness.

The fallout from attempting to break the spell, is often seen as a choice of the lessor of two evils:

1.) Allowing the greater society to civilly go on, hoping things will change, within their normalized hallucinatory existence that has been programmed for the benefit of others.

2.) Working to awaken the society, while risking a destructive aftermath of a society learning to wake up from the controlled stagnation of consciousness, to overcome reactivity, and reestablish their own abilities of response within consciousness.

Within the spell of limited consciousness, the society often fails to be conscious enough that there is a third choice which is to individually transcend the evil itself. While many believe there are only two sides to a coin, there are actually three sides to a coin. The third side, is the edge that encircles the two faces of a coin. All three of these options are taking place multidimensionally at once.

In truth, all of this is happening regardless to the limited choices the individuals may believe they have to make. The ascension of consciousness cannot be stopped. The illusions and lies are only the karmic repercussions, cause and effect, of multiple incarnations of failing to deal consciously with the responsibilites of being incarnated within the physical realm.

Overcoming linear constructs of mind, allow for comprehending the multidimensional realities of what consciousness actually is.

Until the individual within a society learns their own personal responsibilities within the abilities of response, they suffer the cause and effect of the reactivity of karma. For some it takes life times of incarnations.

Until all individuals of a society learn the responsibilities of consciousness, societies will continually be open to the attack and control of their consciousness.

Transcending the spell individually, is the only recourse.

The authors autobiography:

Other articles by Keith J. Chouinard on Medium


Transcendence with Keith Joseph Chouinard

53 East Main Street, West Brookfield, Massachusetts. USA


Keith J. Chouinard

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