Keith McGivern
2 min readJan 25, 2019

A good tree produces good fruit, and a bad tree produces bad fruit. - Matthew 7:17

The Bible is very clear how we are supposed to handle situations when it comes to judging others.

Judge and you will be judged by the same manner you judge others-Matthew 7:2

So how do we biblically examine someone's heart or motives to see if their words are honest and truthful? We can look at their fruit.

Many people talk a good talk but what goes on behind closed doors when no one else is looking is another story. Pretending or being deceitful will work for a period of time but in the end, the truth is always revealed.

This is where the fruit of a persons labor or professions can be examined to see if it's real or fake. In doing so we won't violate God principle and keep ourselves free from bringing judgment upon ourselves.

Another tool that should be used is the word of God as it shows examples for us to learn from. Seeking wise Godly mature counsel is also important and can assist to assure nothing is overlooked. And of course, prayer is another way to gain insight and understanding from the holy spirit who gives discernment and direction.

The outside of the tree and the fruit may look fine to the eye but within it could be rotten and corrupt at its core. Do not blindly trust what your eyes see but measure it against the living word of God and soon the truth will be revealed.

Keith McGivern

"Simple Truths To Live By" was created to encourage those seeking an easy daily devotion based on scripture and reflections revealed thru everyday life