Keith McGivern
2 min readSep 23, 2019

And give thanks for everything to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. - Ephesians 5:20

Is it possible to give thanks for everything?

We live in a world where alot of terrible things can happen and sometimes do. These moments can have a lasting impact on our outlook and how we choose to react when they acure.

What if I told you there was a way to embrace it and overcome it and be grateful regardless of the outcome. Would you be interested ?

If you said yes please understand this is not some quick fix blueprint to success. It will require some unconventional methods.

1.) Have surrendered your Life to Jesus?
if you have not answered yes then stop as this will not work long term.

2.) Are you willing to operate without being controlled by your feelings and emotions?

3.) Will you be willing to allow some one to help you even if you think you do not need help?

4.) Lastly will you continue to carry this out once you have learned how to?

As I wrote this I realized that no one is perfect including myself, but I believe that if our hearts cry is yes to these questions we can learn to be thankful in any situation.

Having said all of the above how can we be thankful in all situations? We can not be but there is one who can.

The Holy spirit of God is the only one who can give us this ability. All wisdom and power comes from him alone. Jesus said to his disciples I must go away so that the comforter will come and give you power to live the life according to Gods plan.

Many churches fail to teach the importance of the spirits role in our daily walk of faith. I understand that there are alot of false teachings about the spirit of God and people put to much focus on signs and wonders. But without the power of the holy spirit we unable to effectively live out his will for our lives.

It's easy to be thankful when everything is going well and there are no issue to overcome. Our true resolve is revealed when things are not going well and yet we can be grateful in spite of them. The Holy spirit is the key to overcome and be grateful in all circumstances.

We must study the scriptures and ask the spirit of God to guide and direct us in his truths so we can carry out the plans he has already established within us to completion.

Keith McGivern

"Simple Truths To Live By" was created to encourage those seeking an easy daily devotion based on scripture and reflections revealed thru everyday life