Keith McGivern
2 min readSep 13, 2018

And immediately Jesus stretched forth his hand, and caught him, and said unto him, O thou of little faith, wherefore didst thou doubt? - Matthew 14:31

Today's scripture talks about how Peter attempted to step out in faith and walk on the water towards Jesus. Eventually, he did begin to sink and had to be rescued by Jesus. Many times people look at these passages from the scriptures and what they see is that Peter failed. Initially, that is a true statement but if you look deeper there are things that paint a different picture. First off Peter was the only one willing to get out of the boat. Secondly, Peter asked Jesus to call him out to meet him on the water. Thirdly Peter actually walked on the water towards Jesus for a short distance. Although he began to sink it does reveal some positive truths we can learn from and apply today. Peter had great faith otherwise he would not have been able to walk on the water even for a short distance. His issue was keeping his eyes on Jesus. As soon as he began to look down as he was walking he was overcome with great fear and doubt and that's why he began to sink. When Jesus pulled him back to the safety of the boat he said where is your faith. This statement may seem harsh but Jesus already knew what Peter was cable of doing. Instead of-comforting him and saying nice try, he instead challenged him to not settle for second best in hopes it would encourage him to keep pressing in and exercise his faith. Jesus said that we will do even greater things than him for the sake of the kingdom. More times than not we settle for less than what Jesus wants or knows we are capable of. The question is will we be willing to step out like Peter and walk out by faith in whatever he has called us to do. If our eyes and hearts are focused on pleasing him there is nothing imposable for God to do through us for his glory. Lord forgive us and help us to trust you will provide what we need when the time comes for us to step out of our boat and exercise our faith.

Keith McGivern

"Simple Truths To Live By" was created to encourage those seeking an easy daily devotion based on scripture and reflections revealed thru everyday life