Keith McGivern
3 min readJan 22, 2018

Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you: - Matthew 7:7

This is a very compelling verse as it seems very straightforward and to the point on the surface. Let's dig a little deeper and see what lies underneath. God is the greatest giver of all things good hands down. And he has told us to ask, seek and knock when we are in need which means he will respond and provide some answer or solution. If this were not true then he would be a liar which he is not. So our only conclusion can be to take him at his word. Then why does it seem we are always in need?
In all fairness, you could probably write a book about all the reasons. I will share a few I feel can help us all get the ball rolling and then God can take over from there. 1.) Do we really ask? we tend to think about things in our mind and conclude that's a good idea, I need to do that but never take the time to actually ask. 2.) Doubt is another roadblock we face. Sometimes we don't ask because we really don't believe he can provide. Sure small things are easier to believe for but what about the impossible. God is not hindered by any request we make. 3.) Motives - if we are honest there are times we ask for selfish things. The funny thing is you might be surprised as God loves to bless us and sometimes grants our request even if they seem silly to us but God has a bigger plan we can not see all the details and sometimes our desires are aligned with his plan even if we are unaware. The other great aspect is that even if our request is selfish he can transform or change them and our hearts simply because we brought them before him anyway. 4.) Lies- the devil is our greatest adversary and he will do everything in his power to rob us of our confidence and make us believe we are not good enough or worthy to receive his blessings.
5.) Consistency- all great things take time to build and require dedication, sacrifice and hard work. The bible says we are to pray without ceasing so we can't just throw up a prayer now and then and expect a great return. Many times God wants to see how serious we are about our request. Far to many people treat him like a holy atm where we insert the card, punch in the code and receive whatever we want. Even Jesus spent many hours daily in prayer and asking the father for things and he was the son of God. And yet in the midst of all of these things God made it into a simple formula. 1.) Ask 2.)Seek 3.)Knock If our hearts are pure and we seek to glorify him how can the doors not be opened to all !

Keith McGivern

"Simple Truths To Live By" was created to encourage those seeking an easy daily devotion based on scripture and reflections revealed thru everyday life