Keith McGivern
3 min readAug 7, 2018

Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it. - Matthew 7:14

A month ago I was at a big box grocery store. After I parked my car and began walking towards the front door I happened to look down and saw a cell phone on the ground with the back cover off and the battery next to it. I reached down and picked it up. I put the battery back in, put the cover on and pushed the power button to see if it would turn on. Sure enough, it came right on. I had a choice to make at that moment. I could keep the phone for myself or I could turn it into the customer service desk in hopes someone who lost it would retrace their steps and come back to search for it. To me, there was no choice as I turned the phone in immediately to customer service. Although I have lost my phone twice and both times someone returned it to customer service. For me it was not about doing the right thing, it was about doing it Gods way. This example made me think about how we as people have two choices in this life. We can live for God or live for ourselves. If we live for God by surrendering our lives to him he will lead us to everlasting life in heaven which is filled with great beauty and peace beyond comprehension. Or we can choose to be selfish and live for ourselves now and be happy for a short time but will suffer in hell for eternity. To me, it's a no-brainer. But the true test is not that people do not want to go to heaven. It's what they are not willing to give up in exchange for it. There are a countless blessing here and now as we serve him. But one thing that is not understood or taught properly today is things will not always be easy. Sometimes it will very difficult at that moment and seem unbearable. But he promised to give us what we need to overcome if we are willing to trust him even when it makes no sense. Many people start out well-meaning but when things become too difficult they give up and do whatever they want instead. As I heard a sermon spoken today it was stated that the Christian walk is not a sprint but a marathon. If you continue to strive until the end you will be rewarded. This must be our mindset in life if we are to succeed. Keeping our eyes focused on the finish line and not just whats directly in front of us. That is the only way we can pass thru the narrow gate as Jesus spoke in this scripture.

Keith McGivern

"Simple Truths To Live By" was created to encourage those seeking an easy daily devotion based on scripture and reflections revealed thru everyday life