Keith McGivern
2 min readMay 29, 2018

I will instruct thee and teach thee in the way which thou shalt go: I will guide thee with mine eye. - Psalm 32:8

Children are very trusting of others from birth until they reach a certain age or exposed to some traumatic experience that affects that ability to do so. Jesus made many references to the importance of having child like faith in certain aspects of our relationship with him. When a baby is born its knows instinctively to cling to the mother as she will give it love, nurture, and of coarse food. That baby is totally dependant for the mother to provide for all of its needs. This is how God desires us to be spiritually in relations to him. No child was ever afraid of Jesus, when he called them they came willingly. They already knew they could trust him and did not hesitate to come or respond to his call. As we grow from children into adults we become independent and learn to exercise our free will to our benefit and other times to our disadvantage. Once we have surrendered our lives to Jesus we must relearn to surremder that free will and be willing to go where he wants to lead us. This process is life long but it can be shortened depending on how willing we are to give up control. Jesus holds our hand as he guides us but like a child we can let go of his hand and go our own way by choice or simply because we are not paying attention. Either way we must learn to rely more in him and less in ourselves. May we all find the strength and courage to surrender daily to his ways and will for our lives that he might be glorified thru it.

Keith McGivern

"Simple Truths To Live By" was created to encourage those seeking an easy daily devotion based on scripture and reflections revealed thru everyday life