Keith McGivern
2 min readOct 12, 2017

The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge: but fools despise wisdom and instruction. - Proverbs 1:7

As I was thinking about the word fear I created my own acronym (as far as I know unless someone coined it first ) to describe a positive biblical meaning of fear related to this scripture that can help Christians better understand.


Forsaking means to abandon or leave something behind. For the believer it's a call and opertunity to give up our ways of thinking ,speaking and acting as we have always done according to our old sinful nature.

Everything means all things. It's complete surrender on our part and an active decision to exchange our very nature for God's nature.

Attaining means to reach or gain something not yet owned. And because we previously surrendered we now have to option for a new start or a spiritual redo.

Restoration means to return something to a previous state or orginal origin. God gives back to us the nature he intended for us from the begining before Adam and Eve committed the first sin.

So to conclude if we by the spirit of God are made aware of the full nature and sovereignty of his will, we will gain knowledge and wisdom we could never gain on our own and allow this exchange to transform us into the best versions of ourselves. To not take advantage of this opportunity trully means we are fools without hope !

Keith McGivern

"Simple Truths To Live By" was created to encourage those seeking an easy daily devotion based on scripture and reflections revealed thru everyday life