Keith McGivern
3 min readDec 5, 2017


The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly. - John 10:10

This scripture clearly states the true motives behind Satan and Jesus. It's also fair to say that the offer Jesus makes is far superior in the long run. But have you ever wondered why so many people fail to take advantage of this awesome invite. There are lots of reasons but I will focus on just one to make a point. Following Jesus is the greatest blessing ever hands down. But as most of us know it's a marathon not a sprint. It takes time to develop a solid relationship with God thru Jesus. There are wonderful and joyous moments as well as some difficult and sometimes painful ones. God uses them all to transform us and make us the best version we can be. But we now live in a world where instant gradification rules and Satan is the king of that department. If you a choose to serve him he will just about grant you anything you want in a short amount of time. Many people fall for that lie and buy into whatever it takes to achieve what they want even if its not what's best for them. Problem is Satan does not care about you, if fact he hates you because he was kicked out of heaven for ever. And now God values us greater then him. But he is the great deceiver and will promise you anything if you serve him. But it will not last as he slowly destroys you and will soon take away everything he gave you up front and worse than that is if you do not repent its a one way ticket to hell with him forever. Not a very good deal at all. Where as Jesus's plan is like the greatest lay away plan ever with many benefits to be had now but spread out over time. The old saying good things come to those who wait is true when it comes to God. His promises are trustworthy and everlasting. Everything in this life is temporary. But what waits for us in heaven is greater than we can humanly imagine. So this is the choice we must make at some point in our lives. Serve satan and get whatever you want like fortune and fame in the short term and be miserable and on your way to hell. Or choose to humbly serve God daily knowing your true hope lies in what waits for you in heaven that will last forever. You would think this is a no brainer but unfortunately many choose the wrong one. God loves us so much he sent Jesus to die on our behalf for our sins and is willing to restore the greatest love we can ever experience ever.



Keith McGivern

"Simple Truths To Live By" was created to encourage those seeking an easy daily devotion based on scripture and reflections revealed thru everyday life