Keith McGivern
2 min readMar 27, 2019

Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path. - Psalm 119:105

When I was younger my parents would take me and my brother camping a couple of times a year to a specific campground we all enjoyed for many years.

We created a lot of great memories that I still reflect on from time to time.

One particular time my brother and I decided to climb this trial at the campsite with friends at dusk.

It was not one of our best decisions at the time but we were young, nieve and seeking adventure. We did not plan it out very well as we just decided to go for it.

We reached the top of the trial as the sun began to set. It was a grand moment of accomplishment as we sought to impress our friends we convinced to come with us.

As darkness settled in we realized we needed to head back to the campground before it got too late. My brother was smart enough to bring a flashlight as there were no lights on this trial

But we had overlooked an important fact in our haste for adventure. We did not check to see if the batteries in the flashlight were still good or bring spare ones just in case.

We found out quickly as they died after about five minutes. We all began to freak out as it was really dark and the trail back to the campground was very steep and dangerous in certain spots.

Thankfully after we calmed down our eyes adjusted to the dark so that we could see a little better.

One of the saving graces was someone had placed stakes with fluorescent paint along the trial. We had to move very slowly down the steep trail and almost fell a few times along the way which would have proved to be harmful.

After making it safely to the bottom we realized how foolish we were for not preparing better and that we could have been seriously hurt or worse.

As I reflected on this experience it reminded me how we fail to use the word of God as a light to shine on our path before us. We blindly choose to walk in darkness and hope for the best.

Jesus became the light source that can illuminate any dark place and guide us on the path God desires for us to travel.

We must be willing to surrender and follow his example and lead others who walk in darkness and direct them to his everlasting light.

Keith McGivern

"Simple Truths To Live By" was created to encourage those seeking an easy daily devotion based on scripture and reflections revealed thru everyday life