Kekcoin Developer Update #15: MemeChain Beta & More

Kekcoin Core
3 min readJul 8, 2020


MemeChain Beta

The first instance of a MemeChain has been successfully deployed on the Kekcoin blockchain! The API for MemeChain v0.1 is now working. Users can install and run their own MemeChain node by following these instructions, but it is recommended that only people who are familiar with command line should do so. If you would like to author a meme (associate it with one of your public keys), then you need to run your own MemeChain node and upload a meme using the node. Note that creating a MemceChain transaction requires spending 0.001 KEK. Some more detailed documentation is being created for the API. As a reminder, there is some basic documentation already.

If you encounter any bugs while using the MemeChain please message @SatoshisCat or @alanizz in the telegram chat group KekcoinOfficial.

MemeChain Interface: Oracle of Kek

Our community telegram chat bot, the Oracle of Kek, allows everyone to participate in interacting with the MemeChain. The bot has new MemeChain commands which all start with the prefix /mc, for MemeChain. Inspect the new commands with /mc help, and see:

Note that each time a meme is uploaded, a small number of KEK is burnt (0.001 KEK) which means that the MemeChain will be finite, since the supply of Kekcoin is finite. For the remainder of the Beta testing period the MemeChain transactions that are generated through the Oracle of Kek will be subsidized using the Meme Bounty Fund.

Please note that the current MemeChain is not the permanent MemeChain we plan to build upon. There will be a Meme Bounty Competition for the Genesis Meme when the tested and finished version of the MemeChain is released.

MemeChain Desktop App

We are working on a simple graphic user interface for the MemeChain, in the form of a desktop app. This will enable authored meme features for the users who aren’t running a full MemeChain node. This will behave similarly to an SPV wallet.

Wallet Update — v2.0.5

A few checkpoint blocks have been added to the wallet to ensure a faster sync process and to catch some edge case bug which one or two users have encountered due to their windows machines. This is not a mandatory update, and is not a consensus critical change. The new wallet binaries are available for download here.

Telegram Chat Group

The Kekcoin Official chat group has now been reserved for more productive discussion about Kekcoin and the MemeChain, relating to announcements, markets, competitions, community, and so on. Please take less formal chat and memery to Kekcoin Memes.

Exchange Listings

We have submitted a pull request for a listing on the decentralized exchange Bisq, and once they merge this pull request Kekcoin will become trade-able on it.

We will be submitting more applications to exchanges now that Kekcoin has a clearly defined use-case, a strong community and a long record of development.

Disclaimer: We do not promote the use of the MemeChain to circumvent any regulations regarding digital content.

Shadilay memers,

The Kekcoin Team

