How I Went From A Broke, Clueless College Student With Little Real-World Skills To Making $1,000/Day Working 3–4 Hours While Traveling To 19 Countries Before Age 22 (Using Remote Triaging)

Kekoa MacAuley
16 min readApr 1, 2024


Scaling your income isn’t about new shiny tactics, A.I tools, or even building complicated businesses.

While everybody is telling you to buy the latest crypto coin, invest in the newest Gamestop meme stock, or to go learn any of these scammy business models like YT Automation, Faceless IG pages, or even invest into a “passive income stream” like Amazon Automation…

I hope this story will instead show you one, simple skill that will take you straight to the money and make you irreplaceable in a world where Artificial Intelligence is only growing and job layoffs are ever more apparent.

Your ability to scale your income and sustain this income (very important) depends on how focused and disciplined you are at keeping your ONE thing the ONE thing.

Kekoa MacAuley — CEO Of The Modern SDR

And this one thing today is how I went from a broke, clueless college student, into an individual who is able to consistently able to bring home real income, every single day, just taking a few phone calls.

This Story Is For You, If:

  • You are working a 9–5 job and don’t feel like you’re getting paid what you’re worth.
  • You are already in sales, but aren’t making the commissions you want to make.
  • You are running a business but overwhelmed with the 20–30 different skills you have to learn.
  • You are starting to feel the impact of inflation and rising bills every year.
  • You lack the proper environment, friends, family, and relationships needed to become a real person of value.
  • You feel like you can’t provide for your loved ones and family and could be doing more with your life.

So if that sounds cool, then listen up.

How It All Began…

Let me explain how I stumbled upon this “straight to the money” opportunity as a broke college student, during the summer of sophomore year…

Because the training content I’m about to go through with you… won’t make sense without the context.

I had just gone through a break-up with my girlfriend at the time and was down in the dumps…

I felt lonely, kinda depressed, and honestly wasn’t in a great place… both personally and financially.

Since 2014, up until that time, I had fallen in love with fitness and working out.

After the breakup, I started going to the gym quite frequently and began getting really in touch with my diets and workout plans…

I’d been getting solid results back in the gym for awhile and had some crazy transformations from super skinny to jacked and shredded.

Kekoa MacAuley — Transformation.

Along the way, many of my friends and family began asking for workout tips and training routines so I decided to help them out.

I put together workout routines, PDF guides, and a few plans for some people to start implementing them.

A few of my friends actually took it to heart and began getting results…

More people started asking me for my routines and how they could get results too…

Now, at that time, I was pretty overwhelmed… between balancing my school work to prep for the year, along with helping people for free with fitness, and all my other priorities…

I realized I needed to start charging for my work… otherwise I would burn out if I helped everyone and anyone 1-on-1.

So I started charging $27 one time for workout plans and meal prep guides.

The first few people who reached out to me paid the fee, started implementing, and just like my other friends, they started seeing results too.

Now, this was my FIRST time…

Ever charging for anything…

I mean I sold lemonade at a stand before when I was around 6 or 7 years old…

But that was still complicated to set up… you had to buy the lemons, the sugar, the ice, and even setting up the lemonade stand was hard work…

The difference with selling fitness plans is that I created the plan ONE-TIME and then could sell the same PDF guide, with no additional cost, to multiple people…

That first day I sold 8 PDF guides in the first 3 hours I launched it on Instagram which brought me in just over $200…

Sure, it was only $200 bucks, but it was at that moment that everything clicked for me….

I realized that if I could sell a product that people wanted and genuinely needed to improve their life…

I would never have to worry about money ever again.

So I went on selling fitness programs for the rest of summer and did well…

I sold another $700 or so worth of PDF guides in the next 30 days from there … working 30–60 minutes a day actually to sell those guides.

And during that summer, while I only made $900…

I realized that if I could figure out how to change my selling system just by two factors, I could build real income and cash flow to get myself the financial freedom that I really wanted.

Here’s what those 2 factors were:

  1. I needed to first figure out how to sell a HIGH-TICKET product…
  2. How to actually MARKET my product in order to sell it.

My $27 products were great and all, but for me… as my goal was to hit $10,000 a month, it would never be feasible just selling something for just $27…

I realized that with a $27 product, I would need to sell 370 people my PDF guide…

That’s a lot of people to sell…

If I kept selling low ticket services, I wondered… how would I ever be able to make the money I wanted?

Simply put, I wouldn’t…

So my next steps were to find a product that I could sell for more money… whether that was for $1,000, $5,000, or even $10,000.

I knew that if I could even just sell 10 people a $1,000 product, it would be a lot more attainable to hit my goals.


Factor number 2 was how to actually market my product…

At the time, I realized that learning how to get eyeballs onto a product was incredibly important…

Because without people seeing my products how was I supposed to sell them effectively?

Simply put, without eyeballs, I couldn’t make money.

So I decided to start growing an Instagram page centered around fitness.

I posted my workouts, different guides, and all around motivational posts to help people improve their situations…

This started to pick up steam and soon enough I grew my page to 1,000 followers…

Then to 5,000, then to 10,000 and even more.

I started to sell my PDF guide to more people and was making consistent income without much effort.

But still, even though that was great, I was still met with a similar issue.

My product wasn’t “HIGH-TICKET”…

Even though I was making consistently 40–50 sales a month, I couldn’t break past this $1,000 mark in profit.

So I realized I had to make a change with the price point of my services…

Now, during this time, while I was growing my Instagram page…

I kept getting asked this question…

“Kekoa, how are you growing your Instagram account so quickly?”

“You’re growing so fast, can you help me?”

Now… all these people that I’d formed connections with on Instagram also had one problem…

They had a product to sell, but couldn’t get enough eyeballs on that product.

So I wondered… would these people pay me if I could help them sell their products?

Well, most of my fitness friends who’d be doing this longer than me actually had a higher ticket product…

Most of them ranging between $1,000 — $3,000 at the time.

If I could help them sell even four $3,000 products online… they’d be making $12,000 for that.

That’d be HUGE for them.

And in my head I was thinking… even if I can help them sell $1k or $2k of their products, they’d probably be willing to pay me 15–20% of that money…

So I went to work, I began pitching my new found “social-media” services for $127 a month.

Within a day of launching that program…

I landed 3 clients. Which was almost $400 this time, just from 3 people.

With my old offer, I need to sell 15 units to make even close to the same amount.

Progress here right?

Then… I thought, what if I charged more?

I mean… People were getting results with their businesses.. they were making money…

I bet people would pay me more.

So I charged $297… got a few more takers.. things were taking off.

Then one day, one of my friends who I’d made through fitness and actually who became a client early on… hit me up.

“Hey Kekoa, your services are killer man… I bet one of my mentors would be interested in trying these out. Will you chat with him?

He’ll be your biggest client to date…”

Bridger, my friend, told me his mentor’s name…


The moment he said his mentors name..

I started freaking out…

I’d seen this guys ads… I’d seen his face on YouTube videos…


There’s no way I could close this guy…

I went to my mother and told her..

“Hey, so I have to get on a sales call with this guy and close him on my services… this will the biggest deal I’ve had yet…”

“Kekoa… you’ll be fine… just follow the same script and framework you’ve been using for all the other clients you’ve taken on.

You sell a great service and he’ll be happy to get started with you” — mom

So with that in mind.. I hopped on the phone with Greg, freaking out quietly in my mind.

You sell a great service and he’ll be happy to get started with you” — mom

I asked him about his goals with a growth service, the current pain points he was struggling with, and then walked him through how the services worked

15 minutes later, I had $997 sent over to my PayPal account.

$997!!!! I screamed. Mom, I just closed almost a $1,000 deal. This is crazy…

From a 15 minute phone call I made almost a thousand dollars.

And it was that day I realized my life would never be the same.

If I made just 10 sales every 30 days… or 1 sale every 3 days… I’d be making $10,000 every single month.

Within the next 30 days I made $5,000 from my social media services…

Within the next 60 days, I hit $7,000 dollars…

Within the next 90 days, I hit $10,000 per month…

18 months later, I hit my first $15,000 day.

All because of this one skillset of sales… I was able to consistently take home more than $10,000/month

And I don’t know about you…

Or the situation you may be in…

But in your 20’s, $10k per month pretty much allows you to do anything you want…

Kekoa MacAuley — Dubai

I started traveling the world to places like Dubai, Tulum, Greece…

Making more money than I’d ever seen before in my life…

Staying at 5 star hotels, having new experiences, doing everything I only had ever dreamed of.

Working remotely, on my own hours, while still being a student at university… it was crazy!

I realized that if I, as a college student, could get results… why couldn’t others just like me, also gain the fruits that this new, “straight to the money” opportunity was giving as well…

See… the reason this opportunity is exploding right now is largely because of what happened in 2020 during the pandemic.

COVID changed the way that every single business and institution operated for better or worse.

The biggest change though was the way that we learn.

No longer are people learning real-world skills in school classrooms from professors and instead more people than ever are learning things online…

We’re learning valuable things like:

💪 How to work out

🥇 How to learn a new language

💵 How to start businesses

📈 How to invest our money

🤝 How to get promotions at jobs

All through the internet. All on the internet on platforms like Instagram.

Being stuck at home during COVID meant more people than ever were on their phones and laptops watching educational how-to videos, through platforms like Instagram.

And according to many experts, it’s why activity on Instagram had a 96% increase after March 1, 2020 due to more people staying at home and using social media…

For entertainment and specifically… education

With this rise of activity and learning on the Instagram platform…

This is the main reason why this online education industry is now expected to hit half a trillion dollars in the next few years, by experts all over the world….

And it’s also why already wealthy and successful people are moving into this industry so quickly, to grow their wealth even further…

Serena Williams, Samuel L. Jackson, Gordon Ramsay

Who collectively are worth hundreds of millions of dollars…

Who all could be retired or doing pretty much anything with their time, have all decided that this is the industry they want to be in for the next coming years…

And by monetizing their expertise… Serena Williams teaching Tennis, Samuel L. Jackson teaching acting, and Gordon Ramsay teaching cooking

They’ve all realized they can multiply their wealth even further, through the online education industry.

Now I want to clarify, you do not need to be already wealthy and famous to tap into this massive opportunity…

In fact… normal, everyday people with no prior experience or skill sets are tapping into this new online education industry as well, just by leveraging the audiences of these wealthy and famous people.

See… actually building an online presence

Creating an online course…

Trying to build websites, learn marketing, and all these other complicated strategies

Is overwhelming for most people… especially those who are beginners just finding out about this industry.

I mean… actually having success running a business online and teaching people requires numerous different skills…

Just Like👇

  • Product Development
  • Marketing
  • Sales
  • Customer service
  • Website building

But… what if there WAS a way you could tap into this booming, $500 Billion Dollar Opportunity…

WITHOUT needing to do these complicated things?

See… with this new online education industry expanding so rapidly, there are TONS of coaches and business owners stumbling into this space than ever before…

Which means… there’s more growing businesses every single day that need your help.

These business owners might be able to create products, market them, and even sell these products a few times on the internet…

But at the end of the day… their time is limited.

I mean… with millions of followers, would it really be feasible for these guys to message everyone?

There’s NO WAY that all these businesses are able to continuously sell their $1k, $5k, even $10,000+ products on a consistent basis without help…

Which is ultimately where people like YOU are able to capitalize…

Now you might be thinking…

Kekoa, how do all these “business owners” and influencers have these $1,000 products… and who in the world would buy these anyways?

Well… that’s a great question.

So let’s go through it!

Here’s a broad overview of how Remote Triaging works👇

Kekoa MacAuley explains how Remote Triaging and online sales actually works.
Remote Triaging Explained

Furthermore, you can check out a brief overview on Remote Triaging below here as well.

These online business owners run some sort of advertisement or traffic source…

Part 1 of how Remote Triaging works.
Traffic — Remote Triaging Explained

Think of Gary Vee…

Kylie Jenner…

Russel Brunson…

Greg o’ Gallagher,

And if you haven’t heard of these people…

Remote Triaging advertisements.

Think of those ads you see on YouTube and Instagram

These influencers or advertisements generally take you to a piece of content 📊

And on that piece of content, there’s some sort of Call-To-Action

So let’s use Greg here for an example…

Once you click the link in his bio, this takes you to a free optin.

This gives me access to his free PDF guide.

Now, if I scroll to the bottom of this PDF, I’ll find a link to purchase a product called The Mojo Stack.

Once you click the link on the PDF guide, this takes you to the checkout page to actually purchase the product.

Which takes us to the next part of the sales process.

The CTA (Call To Action) here is to generally purchase a product or to book in a sales call.

Once a prospect buys the product, books a phone call, or interacts with that content…

Whether that’s commenting or giving their information details 📝

This is what takes us to the Remote Triage.

See… at this point in time

The business owner is:

  • Qualifying the prospect more 🕵
  • Finding alignment with their services 🤝
  • Getting that prospect onto a sales call 📞

For Kinobody, this initial product purchase shows “intent” from the buyer…

Which likely means the buyer may be interested in other products…

Kinobody, along with many other online businesses, will have free PDF’s, guides, and courses…

Which then upsell into lower tier products like the one pictured above.

Which then further upsell into full fledged fitness programs to help clients like these.

Kinobody Coaching Client

This client likely bought one of the supplement products Kinobody sold…

Then had a sales rep call him on a short 15-minute discovery call…

Ask him a few questions…

Then take him to a full sales call to close the deal on a high-ticket program, likely ranging from $3,000 — $10,000.

This sales call then takes 45–60 minutes on average and that deal is closed

Remote Triaging with Kekoa MacAuley.
Remote Triaging — Closing The Sale

Helping the client change their life and get the results they paid for.

Now, from a business owner’s perspective, this is a LOT of work…

And in the beginning, they may take on a lot of these roles.

However, there’s a ton that goes into running a business…

And it’s truly hard to keep up with ALL of the things that are required.

So… as you may have guessed, that’s where you come in.

In this “Online Education Industry”, there’s two main roles where normal, everyday people are cashing in…

The 1st role is called a High Ticket Closer…

So for a $10,000 deal,

A High Ticket Closer may be bringing home anywhere between $1,000 to $1,500 per deal.

Now the skill level required for this is around an 8–9…

So for a beginner, it’s NOT suggested to start here.

On the other hand though…

Starting with Remote Triaging is PERFECT for beginners!

Within this Remote Triage role…

This is further broken down into 2 positions👇

  • A Message Triager
  • A Phone Triager

I’ll break these roles down all more a bit later…

But can you see how there’s a ton of money to be made in this industry?

Hopefully by now, you can see that…

Without people actually helping these businesses to sell their digital products online, there is no way that these businesses could even operate…

Because without cash coming in on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis, there would literally be no business.

So after the last 5 years of contemplating WHAT is the best opportunity to produce income remotely in 2024 is…

I’ve decided it’s SALES.

And luckily for you, I just compiled together a brand-new comprehensive 40-minute training breaking down exactly how to get started with this opportunity in as little as the next 7 days.

Get Started With Remote Triaging Here

>> Just Tap Here To Get Started ASAP

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