Why $KEKW?

$Kekw Memecoin Team
3 min readAug 24, 2023


You’ve been asking “What is $KEKW all about?”

Well sit down and relax, imagine you’re out on your crypto yacht with a glass of your favourite beverage, and let me tell you a story, and a plan….

$KEKW is about having a laugh, and getting rich doing it — but doing it the right way.

$KEKW a 100% fair launch project. The team has allocated almost nothing to our own wallets (and you can verify this on etherscan — all you crypto sleuths). Our aim is to build a transparent but fun project, for the $KEKW community to cash in on — and ride that crypto yacht into the sunset.

We’re tired of getting scammed and rugged. Tired of sneaky coin allocations. Tired of the cynicism in crypto. Tired of the lies, dammit.

In fact that’s how the $KEKW team came together — in a TG group that was run by Larps, Cheats, and Frauds for a seemingly reliable project that went right to zero. We began messaging each other when we were down BAD — and it became clear we got screwed. The discussion eventually turned to the fact that we could have done a better job. We could have done a better job making some cash, but also a better job in treating the community with the respect and decency they deserve.

People come here, to crypto, to “Make it”. They pour the money they make in wage slavery into projects that look like they might offer them a way out. They research projects and Dev’s, they look into The Team — but in the end they throw that cash down and they trust that the project will rise or fail on its own accord. But then we get rugged, and rugged again.

I know this much for sure, anyone at this project this early is a grinder, nose to the stone, working hard. There’s no trust fund babies searching for ICO’s or Pre-sales. There’s no silver spoons in any of our hands — we’re out here hunting for our lunch, and goddamit we’re gonna get it.

You might say “Well Crypto is a zero sum game, so you guys are just planning to rip someone else off”. Well brother, you’re right. Crypto is a zero sum game, every winner needs a loser. But $KEKW is designed for the degens, the ones that come early, the ones with the gumption to research all night. That’s you — if you’re reading this. We’re getting in now, mid 2023, and we’re waiting to sell to the new money that comes in later in the Bull of 2024/25, the lazy money. And I don’t feel bad about that at all. Why, because you and I and everyone in the TG group are putting the work in (and having a laugh too).

So F*ck the scammers, F*ck the honeypotters, F*ck the rugs. That isn’t the only way to make it, and we’re gonna prove that. If you think the only way you can win is to lie to people and convince them to buy a coin, then change the contract to screw them — then you haven’t seen $KEKW.

We’re built different, and so are you. LFG.

Thanks for reading article #1.

Check out the Pre-Sale website. https://kekw.gg/

Please think about getting a little bag now!

Join the Telegram: https://t.me/kekw_gg

Follow the X: https://twitter.com/kekw_gg

Tokenomics on the website, all leftover tokens of pre-sale will be burned at close of Pre-sale — which will drive up price — now is the time to get it cheap.

Article #2: The Nitty-gritty details. Coming next week. Stay tuned Degens.

