Guidelines to writing a television series or movie review

2 min readJul 31, 2023


Reviewing a television series requires careful observation, critical analysis, and the ability to provide constructive feedback. As a professional series reviewer, here’s my guideline to help you write a comprehensive and thoughtful TV series review:

  1. Watch the Entire Series: To provide a fair and informed review, watch every episode of the series. This ensures you have a complete understanding of the storyline, character development, and overall plot.
  2. Take Notes: While watching, jot down key points, notable scenes, character traits, and any strengths or weaknesses you observe. This will help you organize your thoughts when writing the review.
  3. Start with a Brief Overview: Begin the review with a concise summary of the show’s premise, genre, and any relevant background information about the production, creators, or source material.
  4. Evaluate the Plot and Storyline: Assess the series’ plot progression, coherence, and pacing. Mention if the story is engaging and well-structured or if it suffers from inconsistencies or plot holes.
  5. Analyze the Characters: Evaluate the main and supporting characters’ development, complexity, and relevance to the overall narrative. Discuss the performances of the actors portraying these roles.
  6. Comment on Production Values: Assess the production quality, including cinematography, set design, costumes, special effects, and soundtrack. Determine how well these elements contribute to the show’s atmosphere and storytelling.
  7. Discuss Themes and Messages: Identify any prominent themes or underlying messages conveyed by the series. Explore how effectively these themes are explored and conveyed throughout the episodes.
  8. Compare with Similar Series: If relevant, compare the show with similar TV series in the same genre or with similar themes. This can help readers understand its uniqueness and the aspects that set it apart.
  9. Be Objective: While expressing personal opinions, strive to be objective and support your statements with evidence from the series. Acknowledge any strengths and weaknesses the show may have.
  10. Avoid Spoilers: Be mindful of not revealing significant plot twists or major events that could spoil the viewing experience for potential viewers.
  11. Provide Recommendations: Conclude the review by summarizing your overall thoughts on the series. Recommend the show to specific audiences or highlight who might enjoy it the most.
  12. Use Proper Language and Tone: Write in a clear and concise manner, using appropriate language and tone for a professional review. Avoid offensive language and personal attacks on the creators or actors.
  13. Edit and Proofread: Before publishing or submitting your review, proofread it for any grammatical errors, spelling mistakes, or unclear sentences.

Remember that every review is subjective, and while you may have your opinions, others may have different perspectives on the show. Keep the review fair, respectful, and insightful, allowing readers to make informed decisions about whether the series aligns with their interests and preferences.




Just a lady with a randomly creative mind that enjoys writing down some shenanigans her mind makes up. Enjoys fiction, Cdramas, Kdramas, and BL series/movies