30-Day Fitness Challenges: The Good, The Bad, The Ugly

3 important tips before diving into these programs.

Kelan Ern
3 min readAug 24, 2022
woman squatting sideways
Image by Canva

Maybe you’ve seen all the different 30-day challenges floating around the internet including: 30-day challenges of planks… squats… burpees (everyone’s favorite)… or sit-ups.

But are they actually effective at helping people reach their goals?

In an article by Live Science, kinesiologist Marcus Lawrence shares the following thoughts on these sprint-like workout programs.

#1: Result Confusion

Lawrence mentions that depending on the size of your fitness goals, a 30-day challenge is probably not going to get you there. For instance, it takes months to pack on muscles. Or drop substantial weight (unless you are really cracking down on your nutrition habits at the same time). However, you can start to rev up your cardiovascular endurance, stamina and start toning and building strength in that amount of time.

(Not to mention the psychological benefits)

“There are immediate effects that happen to the human body following a single session of exercise, including, but not limited to, improved cognition, reduced anxiety and risk of depression, reduced post exercise blood pressure, as well as being a sleep aide.”- Marcus Lawrence



Kelan Ern

14+ year fitness coach | Restore your athleticism and take your fitness to the next level — monthly transformation letter at: www.elitelifecoaching.net