Ascending Out of the Matrix Illusion

Finding the Courage to Walk the Path of Truth

Kelara Star Being
4 min readNov 30, 2023
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Most people think spiritual awakening is about becoming aware of aliens on the planet.

The true path of spiritual awakening is a journey out of darkness and into the light of truth.

When we first awaken spiritually, there are a lot of contradictory and confusing insights we stumble upon as we try to gain our footing into the new reality.

Since the psyche can only take so much, we usually receive small bites of truth at a time. The amounts and depths will depend upon our maturity level and ability to digest truth.

The first dilemna we face is usually around our spiritual beliefs. If we grew up religious, we may be faced with questioning what we were taught as a child. However, if we grew up with no religious or spiritual teaching, the same questions usually apply.

As we grow and develop spiritually, we learn more about what has been hidden from us through the illusory matrix of this world. We begin to understand that the deception goes a lot deeper than the controversial topics on social media.

