Breaking Free from Family Karmic Cycles and Standards of Beauty

Unveiling the True You

Kelara Star Being
7 min readOct 2, 2023
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Discovering Self-Worth: The Beauty of Self-Acceptance

It’s amazing the psychological damage that is done to women on this planet when it comes to our appearance.

The matrix is relentless in attempting to make us feel less than divine and less than perfect.

Yet, we are eternally both.

The mind manipulation begins early in life.

Of course, as little girls we are constantly feeling like we need to look better or we need to look like a certain image that is considered beautiful or pretty by this world’s standards.

We notice this at an early age and by kindergarten the effects are astronomical on our self-worth and self-value.

It was quite difficult growing up in the ’70s and ’80s; particularly for women of color who felt this barrage of unacceptance not only due to our skin color but the texture of our hair.

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“And the time came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.” ― Anaïs Nin

I can remember how much my grandmother and mother hated the texture of our hair. They loathed it and often told me that it was something to hide.

They lived their entire lives in wigs, never allowing their real texture to be seen. So, when I became a certain age and began wearing braids and natural hair styles, they were ashamed of me.

They often told me that it was inappropriate for me to be seen that way. I fought hard as a teenager and young adult for the right to be myself.

I realize now they were just trying to protect me in their own way. Not from myself but from the harshness of society at that time.

However, it didn’t feel that way.

Being the family curse breaker is not an easy thing. It takes a lot of courage and willingness to go against the norm.

Family wounds are the hardest to break free from because the connected souls are usually holding on for dear life to the karma and trauma for fear of what would happen if they let go.

Yet, the family curse breaker is unable to stay in those confines.

They simply are not built that way.

Breaking free through acts of rebellion is the only way they know how to react when being manipulated or forced to fall in line.

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Breaking Barriers: Redefining Beauty on Your Own Terms

Self-Acceptance is a path that goes against the grain. This is because we are conditioned by the matrix to give our power away. As we learn to love ourselves unconditionally we take our power back from the matrix.

I began to have issues with my hair as a teenager which created the experience of alopecia that I am still journeying through.

I believe this experience has been my greatest lesson for mastering self-love and self-acceptance in a very profound way.

The day I chose to shave my head was the most free I had felt up to that point in my life. I couldn’t believe I waited so long.

I no longer had alopecia, hair loss or any other hair problems because I no longer had any hair. I could now focus on myself in a new way.

It was so liberating.

It’s funny how deep this rabbit hole can go. You may look at a particular female and think, “wow she is so beautiful”. Yet, on the inside she feels extremely ugly and unattractive for so many reasons.

All of which are the result of this matrix illusion we live in.

Of course, this isn’t just limited to women of color or even women for that matter.

Nevertheless, the challenge to overcome societal beauty standards is a very big challenge to overcome for females no matter how we look.

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Redefining Beauty: Empowering Yourself Beyond Societal Expectations

The pressure to look a certain way creates a vortex of low vibrational energy that constantly reverberates, “You are not good enough” to the collective”.

Even when searching and creating the AI Generated Images I use in my articles, I’ve noticed that there is a specific standard for how women are viewed, even by AI standards.

We even frown upon people who choose to age naturally. I see so many negative comments now a days that are meant to make people feel like a failure if they are not defying the aging process.

The matrix system is designed to make us surrender into self-hatred and misery. That way the elites and dark forces can feed off of humanity until our very last breath.

This energy and mindset will need to be purged from the collective at some point in order for us to ascend out of the matrix illusions.

Remembering that this physical vehicle is a temporary stop on a journey of spiritual evolution is one of the keys to accepting why we chose to come as we are.

The vehicle you incarnated in is expressing where you may need to explore more self-love and self-acceptance and not resistance or disapproval.

As we explore these themes about ourselves we can begin the process of healing through self-compassion. As we embrace the experiences of our physical being by seeking the wisdom, they become our point of profound evolution.

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Beyond Skin Deep: Finding Beauty in Self-Acceptance

The way I see it, ugly is not a physical expression but more of a spiritual state of being. This is why a person can have a pretty exterior but an unpleasant or repulsive attitude.

In order to transform this energy we must transform how we see ourself and how we experience life with others.

I noticed that often people become unpleasant to look at the more unpleasant their spirit becomes this is because the outside is a reflection of our inner being.

The matrix is constantly attempting to make us disconnect from our divine being by showing us images and making us feel like we are less than who we are.

Most of the images that are projected to us from Hollywood and the plastic surgery industry are less than beautiful.

In fact, most of the images are a distorted version of what the person originally looked like or of what a beautiful human being actually is.

When we understand the nature of our evolution we realize that growing old and aging are two different things. Aging comes from the matrix siphoning our energy and causing us to decay.

Growing older defined by means to advance in the years of one’s life.

This advancement is our greatest opportunity to evolve into higher states of consciousness through attained wisdom, which does not necessarily mean aging.

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Shattering the Glass Mirror: Embracing Diversity in Beauty Ideals

Of course this is all my perspective and we all can choose to believe what we want. It is obvious that everyone doesn’t age the same and it’s not because of they’re genetics since people of the same bloodline can also age differently.

I find the light of divine love is the most rejuvenating frequency there is. Regular meditation and energy clearing allows us to replenish inside and out.

The harshest part about this life experience can be how we are treated by others when we do not look like the standard of beauty.

I often hear people speak of bald-headed women in a very derogatory way as if a woman cannot be beautiful without hair.

Some of these people consider themselves to be loving and spiritually connected. Yet, they do not understand their disconnection from what beauty really is simply by choosing to believe hair has anything to do with what makes a woman beautiful.

This is the conditioning of the matrix and it is something that we all go through on some level as we wade through the murky waters of finding our truest divine self.

Short, fat, skinny, or tall… whatever the case may be we all are faced with finding the truth of our beauty within and not without.

In doing so, we begin to recognize that whatever the state of our physical vehicle it is meant to be part of our life lesson for our highest good and for the greater good of all.

Embracing ourselves fully and learning to transform any negative perspective or projections serves our own evolution.

Love and Illumination


