Learning to Trust Your Inner Guidance

Connecting with Your God Self

Kelara Star Being
5 min readSep 12, 2023
An image of a brown skinned female meditating with eyes closed.
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We live in a world that has conditioned us to believe in others more than we believe in ourselves. We’ve been programmed to doubt our own instincts and ability to perceive or sense what is right for ourselves.

As a tarot reader I know this to be true since most people who get tarot readings do so because of a lack of trust in their own inner knowing.

To be completely honest the whole reason I began reading tarot was to receive guidance that I was unable to connect to within myself.

I am so glad that I did because learning to read tarot for myself not only connected me to my divine guidance but in many ways saved my life.

From our parents, religious community, social media, and peers, we are constantly feeling compelled to please someone other than ourselves.

For so many of us this pressure can be so severe, to the point of not knowing our own desires or point of view.

As a result, we have continued to create a superficial society that lacks inner depth, self-awareness, and grounding.

A brown skinned female looking up with a scene of mountains and flowers behind her.
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When we find ourselves unable to receive clarity from our own inner knowing it represents a disconnection from higher self.

This is something that usually takes place over time and not a natural occurrence simply because in order to be disconnected from our higher self we had to be connected at some point.

Even with so much of the world in complete chaos and transformation we still see most of the collective society attempting to hold tightly to materialistic and superficial ways of being and thinking that serves nothing and no one.

This unconscious mindset only goal being to keep us feeding into the illusion of the matrix. To keep the collective unprepared and unrealized about the realities that are to come.

Narcissistic abuse is one of the main ways we learn to become neurotic, superficial, and unable to trust our own inner guidance.

We learn to second guess ourselves in everything and feel unable to make decisions in our best interest.

Learning how to trust yourself means becoming aware that there’s no better place to receive answers for your own life than from within.

Yet, we cannot come to this conclusion until we understand the power of our higher self and the connection we have to divine guidance.

It’s easier to believe that someone else knows better than we do only because we have not done the work to connect to higher consciousness.

A brown skinned female meditating over a person below her.
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The lack of trust in ourselves hinders us from being able to create a life purposefully in alignment with our reason for incarnating.

I often find when doing tarot readings, that I must redirect people back to their own ability to consciously evaluate their situation.

Sometimes I am asked questions that one should only be asking themselves.

As a tarot coach, my job is to help clients receive insight and to see their own path clearly. Not to tell them what to think or believe.

A tarot reading should always be a confirmation of your own inner guidance and not a solution.

When we do not trust ourselves, we want others to make decisions for us. This mindset is coming from the conditioning or programming we’ve suffered from the matrix.

Whether you believe you were born for a specific purpose or not, if we are unable to trust ourselves, we will never know who we truly are. This is the goal of the dark forces that want to keep us ignorant and unevolved.

There are many blocks and obstacles that are constantly being put in our way to keep us from connecting to a higher purpose for life.

Keeping us from being able to trust ourselves is a major way to block our ability to manifest wholeness in life and a greater purpose.

A brown skinned female in lotus pose meditating with the cosmos behind her.
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Learning to trust yourself begins with consistent communication with your higher self.

Through meditation and conscious awareness of this divine channel, one can begin to receive clarity and divine wisdom that is accurate and insightful.

In the beginning, it takes faith, and it may even feel like a risk but if you’re not willing to risk all for yourself then you’ll never be able to learn how to trust yourself.

Yes, there will be times when you may be wrong, or you may make mistakes. However, the mistakes only help you to gain greater awareness and understanding of how to interpret the communication you receive.

Mistakes help us to better comprehend what we are receiving and to become more accurate in our perspective or insights.

The road to trusting yourself should be taken with self-love and with self-compassion.

Also, begin writing in a journal daily to become more aware of your own thoughts and feelings.

As you do so you will slowly begin to learn how to hear from your higher consciousness.

You will also begin to understand the complexities as well as the differences between your ego self or your physical self and your higher self.

It is a journey that takes time and patience, but it is so worth it.

A brown skinned female pausing and thinking.
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Learning to trust yourself means changing your habits of thinking and being.

Lack of trust in one’s self also comes from being overly dependent on others.

Over time we can become lazy and prefer to avoid making decisions which takes constructive thinking and analyzing in a productive way.

This is simply a habit that will eventually create self-sabbotage as a result. To change these habits is to recognize we are the only one responsible for our choices.

The more we connect inwardly with our higher self, the more we are able to expand and grow mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.

Thanks for checking out this article today. I hope you have found inspiration here.

Love and Illumination


