Mastering the Universe of Self

Creating Inner Space for Success In a New World

Kelara Star Being
4 min readNov 16, 2023
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Are you someone who feels responsible for being connected to the external world and the events of the world?

Like a small child fighting sleep, many of us believe if we are not watching the news and staying informed about world events, we are not being a good citizen of earth.

Yet, we must remember wherever our attention goes, so does our power.

It’s important to prioritize our attention as much as possible to maintain our ability to attract and create the outcomes we desire.

Staying focused on our personal goals is more important now than ever.

Now is the time to activate the alchemist within to support the earth and the collective creation of new earth realties.

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Our attention and focus gives the matrix the power to control our reality.

Watching the events of the world as they unfold can be quite overwhelming and daunting. Not to mention the manner…

