Tapping into Your Inner Guidance

How Intuition Catalyzes Healing and Transformation

Kelara Star Being
4 min readJul 13, 2023
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Connecting to the power of your inner guidance is everything in a world of illusion and matrix minded people. Powerful healing and transformation are possible when you know how to trust your inner guidance.

Intuition serves as a powerful tool, enabling individuals to connect with their inner wisdom and tap into the subtle energetic realms.

In this article, we will explore the significance of intuition in spiritual healing and how it can guide us towards profound life transformation.

Understanding Intuition:

Intuition is often referred to as a “gut feeling” or a “sixth sense.” It is an innate ability that allows us to access information beyond the scope of logical reasoning.

Intuition operates through subtle signals, impressions, and sensations that arise within us. It bypasses the limitations of the conscious mind and taps into deeper levels of knowledge.

Cultivating your inner guidance can save your life in numerous ways. In the uncertain times we live in, it is important to have your inner compass turned on to know what is best for you at every moment.

Intuition acts as a guiding force, which can help you interpret and respond to the energetic information that comes into your energy field.

What is so amazing about this is that you do not need to know everything all at once. Your intuitive knowing will guide you naturally to what is best for you.

When your intuition is turned on, you may become aware of certain events or negative situations you avoided after the fact.

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Trusting your intuition is a crucial aspect of healing and transformation.

There are many enemies to your desire to ascend spiritually. Your intuition will be the catalyst that helps you create victory in every situation you encounter. Leaving your enemies to wonder how you know what you know.

Mastering your intuition derives from having faith in the subtle messages, sensations, and insights that arise from within.

The more you cultivate this gift, the more profound your inner knowing becomes. You will instinctively know when something is off in your environment.

Your intuition can support your healing journey by helping you choose the appropriate spiritual practices or techniques, identifying energetic blockages, and determining the best course of action to manifest your desired transformation.

By trusting their inner guidance, you can create a safe and sacred space for the healing process to unfold.

Enhancing Intuition through Practice:

Regular meditation, mindfulness, and energy exercises can help individuals develop stronger intuition and clear connection to their inner wisdom.

These practices quiet the mind, enhance sensitivity to energetic vibrations, and strengthen the intuitive muscle. With consistent practice, intuition becomes a dependable ally on the healing journey.

Also, begin to use your inner ear more often. Sometimes we forget how psychic the ear can be. I do not just mean listening for words, but for energy vibrations.

The inner ear can often articulate vibrations and then translate them to your consciousness. Therefore, listening openly allows your intuition to grow.

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Deepening the Connection with Intuition

To deepen your connection with intuition, engage in self-reflection and self-inquiry more often. This involves developing self-awareness and attuning one’s inner experiences and sensations.

By cultivating a state of presence and openness, you can access intuitive insights that guide you towards the root causes of imbalances and provide insight for profound healing and transformation.

Through meditation and self-healing practices, as you become more attuned to your energetic body, you can perceive sensations, emotions, and shifts more rapidly.

Trusting your intuitive experiences empowers you to actively participate in the healing process and provides valuable feedback for greater lessons of wisdom and understanding.

Intuition plays a pivotal role in spiritual ascension, shadow work, and for opening to deep healing and transformation.

By developing and trusting your intuition, you can access profound insights and guidance on your healing journey.

Finally, intuition acts as a bridge between the physical and energetic realms, connecting us with our inner wisdom and the subtle forces that shape our existence.

Through the integration of intuition and spiritual practice, healing becomes a powerful catalyst for personal growth, well-being, and spiritual evolution.

Love & Illumination


