Understanding How the Mind Resists Expansion

Learn How to Alchemize Your Mind to Achieve Success

Kelara Star Being
6 min readDec 2, 2023
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Are you struggling to accomplish your dreams and goals?

Do you find yourself getting only so far and then losing steam or you begin to procrastinate habitually?

Have you ever noticed the ways in which your mind responds when you begin working on a new project or a specific step on your dream journey?

If you practice observing your own mind, body, spirit synchronicities and responses, you can gain profound insights into how your mind interacts with your intentions.

Since you chose to explore this article, you may be someone with many gifts and talents and a strong desire to make your mark in the world.

You know you have something great to offer the collective, but you always feel blocked, or you find yourself getting only so far but then becoming bored or distracted and eventually giving up.

In this article, I will attempt to give you some insight and pointers to help you alchemize your mental energies.

