When the Heck are Women Going to Get a Shot at the Presidency?

Kella Hanna-Wayne
8 min readMar 6, 2020
A very young black girl wears a spunky grin and a shirt that says “Future Leader.”

This article is not about Warren. It’s also not about Sanders or Biden, or even, this election.

One of the things that systemic oppression does to you regardless of where you are in the system is warp your sense of what is normal. We see everything through a filter that obscures the fact that a lot of structures that we see as totally neutral actually don’t make any sense. Very few people want to see their actions as being influenced by bigotry so of course, if we’re asked to explain why we make a biased and illogical decision, we’ll always find a justification. You’ll never ask yourself, “Why did I do that?” and come up with the answer, “there wasn’t a reason.” You’ll find something to fill in the blanks. It’s just how our brains work. And when I say “we” and “our” I mean everyone, myself included.

Being able to see through to the other side of this filter where there are no logical justifications for our bigoted actions is a skill that takes time to develop, and that many people never develop at all.

I’m looking at the other side of that filter right now and I want to tell you how incredibly nonsensical and unbalanced it is that we have never had a female president.

As of 2016, the New York Times reported that, “women [had] attained top leadership posts —



Kella Hanna-Wayne

Creator & writer for the social justice blog www.yoppvoice.com | Articles on disability, chronic illness, mental health, and self-improvement.