Kellene Leone
4 min readMay 11, 2016

Defining your Boudoir Style in 5 simple, yet effective steps.

Like all photography genres, boudoir photography takes form in many different ways. From pin-up vintage styles, to modern glamour, to high-fashion spin offs, Boudoir photography surely has it’s own set of rules for every photographer. As someone who has studied the art of boudoir for some time, I can appreciate all avenues of boudoir, but that doesn’t mean that all are my style. Over the years, I’ve experimented with lots and lots of different types of boudoir genres, and can easily say that my style is very specific. I decided after hours of experimenting trying to narrow down my style, I went back to the drawing board of inspiration where it all started and here is what I found to be effective in defining my boudoir style.

1) What Inspires You?

Take a moment and really think on this. What truly inspires you? For me, my heart is in Paris, and with Paris comes soft gorgeous light, muted tones, and amazingly romantic architecture. Paris is morning coffee on a balcony as I gaze into the rising sun, hearing the world below me slowly wake through the sounds of shops opening up and cars driving down the street. Paris is an old metro station, with more stairs than ever, rising up to greet my feet. Paris is a slow romantic stroll through beauty and bliss.

As I imagine my Parisian dreamland, I can begin to visualize what I am after in my imagery. Natural light, reflective surfaces, and soft muted colors really draw me in, and that is what I want to capture with each subject.

2) Translating inspiration into imagery

I stopped “Experimenting” I started “Creating”, by choosing locations to shoot in that reflected my inspiration. I began shooting locations with amazing light and simple beauty. I altered my studio space to reflect this as well. I stopped using studio equipment that I hated to mess with, and started focusing only on what I loved, and in turn, I began capturing images that truly spoke to me.

3) Target Client

Booking target clients is a very critical component for defining your style as a boudoir photographer. Just because you know how to shoot pin-up styles doesn’t mean that is what you love to shoot. The only way to be known for your style is to stop taking on genres of boudoir that you really don’t love to shoot.

4) Define your editing style

What does your workflow look like? Are you spending hours in front of your computer screen in your “digital darkroom”? Do you enjoy it? Or are you lost and stressed every time you have a new boudoir session to edit? I’ve created my own workflow for boudoir that allows me to edit an entire boudoir session in an hour or less. Defining my style has a made a HUGE impact on the amount of time I spend editing, allowing for more time to shoot more clients! My editing style is simple, and includes basic color balancing, curves, and skin smoothing. Each image is “magazine worthy” and is ready to be uploaded to my client’s personal gallery usually the day after their session. Being able to turn a session around so quickly is HUGE for clients too.

5) The Experience

I refer to my boudoir sessions and the “ultimate boudoir experience” because I truly create an “experience”. Unlike normal studio photography sessions that can feel like rushed, or the same old thing, I’ve worked very hard to create a luxury experience for my clients. Whether we are in a studio setting, or a swanky hotel, or even in an outdoor location, I strive to always give my client the feeling of a relaxed Parisian stroll. From hair and makeup, to champagne, to music and calm, relaxed environments, “the experience” surely makes my style very defined as well. I want my client leaving relaxed, feeling like she’s just been at a spa day, rather than a stressful photo session in her underwear!

It’s easy to get caught up in the next best thing, but defining your style can really save you a lot of headaches, and more importantly you will LOVE YOUR JOB! Don’t be afraid to chase what you love and use it in your business!

Kellene Leone is a Boudoir Photographer, specializing in luxury boudoir experiences with a style consisting of modern and editorial imagery.

Running a client-friendly, service-oriented business she believes that amazing imagery often is the result of creative planning with clients and capturing moments as the happen.

Based in the Pacific Northwest, Kellene serves clients all over the United States, and is ready to create outstanding images for you. For more information, visit our website.

Kellene Leone

boudoir photographer. Mom to Nevaeh + Leo + Enzo. Sucker for Jesus, bluegrass, Hawaii, quilting, coffee, Jane Austen, Keats, & Neruda.