Isomorphisms and round trip data transformations

Alex Kelley
6 min readNov 16, 2019


Note: This is Tutorial 26 in the series Make the leap from JavaScript to PureScript. Be sure to read the series introduction where we cover the goals & outline, and the installation,compilation, & running of PureScript. I’ll be publishing a new tutorial approximatelyonce-per-month. So come back often, there’s a lot more to come!

Index | << Introduction < Tutorial 25 | Tutorial 27 >>

In the last tutorial, we wrapped up natural transformations in functional programming. Now we’ll move onto Isomorphisms and round trip transformations, which, spoiler alert, have nothing to do with running the same code on the client and server. Isomorphisms are an important concept in functional programming because they allow methods belonging to one type to be made available to other types that are isomorphic. The canonical example of two types that are isomorphic to one another is String and Array String. For example, “hello” and [“h”, “e”, “l”, “l”, “o”], respectively.

I borrowed this series outline, and the JavaScript code samples with permission from the course Professor Frisby Introduces Composable Functional JavaScript by Brian Lonsdorf — thank you, Brian! A fundamental assumption is that you’ve watched his video on the topic before tackling the equivalent PureScript abstraction featured in this tutorial. Brian covers the featured concepts exceptionally well, and I feel it’s better that you understand its implementation in the comfort of JavaScript.

You’ll find the text and code examples for this tutorial on Github. If you read something that you feel could be explained better, or a code example that needs refactoring, then please let me know via a comment or send me a pull request. Also, before leaving, please give it a star to help me publicize these tutorials.

What is an Isomorphism?

An Isomorphism is a set of two functions from and to such that composing them together is the same as doing nothing. That is:

from <<< to $ x == x 
to <<< from $ y == y
-- or
(from <<< to $ x) == (identity x)
(to >>> from $ y) == (identity y)

We see from above that the result of these compositions is the same as applying the identity function. You can also think of from and to as functions f and g, so that more formally:


Constructing the Isomorphism type constructor

In Brian’s example, he constructed the isomorphism that takes a to and a from into a type with the following javascript:

const Iso = (to, from) => ({ to, from })

Then, as an example, he turned a string into a list of characters using an isomorphism.

const chars = Iso(s => s.split(''), c => c.join('')) const res = chars.from('hello world')) 
/* Terminal output * "hello world" */

You can check to see that it actually split on every character by getting rid of chars.from, to return [ 'h', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o',' ', 'w', 'o', 'r', 'l', 'd'].

In purescript, we can construct a type for an Isomorphism with the following constructor, and its methods:

data Iso a b = Iso (a -> b) (b -> a) inverse :: forall a b. Iso a b -> Iso b a 
inverse (Iso f g) = Iso g f
to :: forall a b. Iso a b -> a -> b
to (Iso f _) = f
from :: forall f g a b. Iso f g -> b -> a
from = to <<< inverse

The function to takes two arguments, the Iso a b type constructor, where a and b are functions, and the value a to be transformed. Using PureScripts pattern matching, we match on the first function f and use it to transform our a value. The function from is similar, but in this case, we are transforming a b value to an a value. Now, matching the JavaScript example above, let's use this isomorphism to turn a string into a list of characters. First, we create our Iso type constructor:

chars :: Iso String (Array String) 
chars = Iso (split (Pattern "")) (joinWith "")

Our Iso a b is constructed using the chars function. Thus, to chars a transforms a string a into a character array, and from chars b takes a character array b and transforms it into a string. Using purescript's REPL, we can test both sides to ensure we've constructed this isomorphism correctly:

pulp psci 
> import Main
> to chars "hello world"
["h","e","l","l","o"," ","w","o","r","l","d"]
> from chars <<< to chars $ "hello world"
"hello world"
> (from chars <<< to chars $ "hello") == (identity "hello")

Why are isomorphisms useful?

Isomorphisms are utilized in everyday programming because they make additional methods available to our types. For example, using our chars isomorphism from above, we're essentially making javascript's applicable array methods available to our string by turning it into an array of characters. Then, after applying one or more array methods, we turn it right back into a string.

For our second example, imagine we want to truncate the first three characters of a string and concatenate "..." to its tail. By using an isomorphism, we can take advantage of the array methods slice and concat to accomplish this task:

truncate :: String -> String 
truncate xs =
from chars $ concat [slice 0 3 $ to chars xs, ["..."]]
main =
log $ truncate "hello world" -- returns "hel..."

Let’s make another isomorphism that proves a singleton array of String (i.e., an array holding one string value) is isomorphic to Either String String. First, we determine our isomorphism, naming it single:

-- Input must be a non-empty array or Just a 
single ::Iso (Either String String) (Array String)
single = Iso (fromFoldable) (first)
first :: Array String -> Either String String
first [] = Left ""
first xs = Right $ fromMaybe "" $ head xs
filterEither :: (String -> Boolean)
-> Either String String
-> Either String String
filterEither pred m = from single $ filter pred $ to single m

We are using fromFoldable from the Data.Array module to take our Either constructor and turn it into an array. Since type constructors such as Maybe and Either are foldable, this natural transformation (see Tutorial 25) turns them into an array. Note that if our Maybe or Either value is Nothing or Left e respectively, then an empty array is returned. The function head from Data.Array returns a Maybe value, so we'll transform it to an Either constructor using a natural transformation. Now that we have our isomorphism, let's go ahead and test it in the REPL by turning our Either into an array so that we can later filter it using available array methods.

pulp psci 
> import Main
> import Data.Either
> to single (Right "Hello")
> from single ["Hello"]
(Right "Hello")

Testing our filter in the REPL produces the following results:

pulp psci 
> import Main
> import Data.Either
> toUpper <$> filterEither (\x -> contains (Pattern "h") x) (Right "hello")
(Right HELLO)
> toUpper <$> filterEither (\x -> contains (Pattern "h") x) (Right "eello")
(Left "")


In this tutorial, we covered isomorphisms and delved into a couple of use cases in everyday coding. Isomorphisms rank high on our “need to know” list because they allow methods belonging to one type to be made available to other types that are isomorphic. We demonstrated the canonical example of two types that are isomorphic to one another, namely String and Array String. For example, “hello” and [“h”, “e”, “l”, “l”, “o”], respectively. Subsequently, we showed our newfound ability to leverage several methods belonging to Array to manipulate our strings.

Like many concepts in functional programming, isomorphisms come directly from category theory. So if you’re interested in learning more about their properties, then I highly recommend you look at Bartosz Milewski’s blog or video on this topic; but also category theory in general. In the next tutorial, we’ll embark on the first of the final three posts in this series that ultimately finds common ground between two music artists using the Spotify API. If you are enjoying these tutorials, then please help me to tell others by recommending this article and favoring it on social media. Until next time.



Alex Kelley

I work on technologies that simplify the creation and enjoyment of web applications.