Kelli Radnothy
2 min readMar 28, 2024

As a paralegal, navigating the intricate realm of electronic discovery (e-discovery), I’ve come to understand the paramount importance of honing specific skills to thrive in this digital landscape. From adapting to rapid technological advancements to employing strategic planning, excelling in e-discovery requires a multifaceted approach. Here are four essential skills that I’ve found indispensable in my journey:

Adapting to Digital Evolution

In the ever-evolving landscape of technology, staying abreast of the latest tools and platforms is non-negotiable. We must learn to embrace digital transformation by continuously updating skillsets to become familiar with emerging software and methodologies. Adapting to new technologies ensures efficiency and effectiveness in handling digital evidence, thereby streamlining the e-discovery process.

Complex Problem Solving

E-discovery often presents complex challenges that demand analytical prowess and creative problem-solving skills. Whether it’s deciphering intricate data structures or navigating vast volumes of ESI (electronically stored information), the ability to unravel complexities is paramount. Through meticulous attention to detail and a methodical approach, we can dissect intricate legal issues and devise effective solutions to ensure thorough e-discovery outcomes.

Strategic Planning

Effective e-discovery is not merely about sifting through data but rather strategically planning each phase of the process. From initial data governance to final presentation of evidence at trial, meticulous planning is essential. Not only to mitigate risks, but also to ensure compliance with court requirements. As paralegals, we contribute to development of comprehensive e-discovery strategies to align with case objectives while optimizing resources and timelines.

Critical Thinking

Critical thinking is the cornerstone of success in the discovery stage of litigation, particularly when it comes to ESI. E-discovery entails evaluating evidence, identifying patterns, and helping the legal team make informed decisions. By employing critical thinking skills, we can effectively assess the relevance and authenticity of electronic evidence, thereby contributing to the development of compelling legal arguments and strategies.

In conclusion, excelling in e-discovery as a paralegal demands a blend of technical proficiency, analytical acumen, and strategic foresight. By cultivating these essential, durable skills — adapting to digital evolution, complex problem solving, strategic planning, and critical thinking — we are able to navigate the complexities of electronic discovery with confidence and proficiency Ultimately contributing to favorable legal outcomes for our legal teams and the clients we serve.

Interested in learning more about the durable skills advantage? Check out America Succeeds and the work they’re doing to establish the framework for success of our future workforce.

Are there any skills you’d add to this list? I’d love to hear your insights and what has helped in your success. Please leave a comment on the blog or send me an email at

Kelli Radnothy

Experienced paralegal passionate about justice, access to legal resources, and empowering others. Writing about insights on navigating the complex legal arena.