Thoughts from my 10-hour coronavirus-infested layover

Kellie Paxian šŸ’ƒšŸ¼
4 min readMar 26, 2020

Iā€™m sitting in London Heathrow Airport, hour 6 outta 10. Departed Cape Town last night (or something. Not sure what date/time zone/year it is. Should I get another coffee, guys?) and en route home to Vancouver.

Was just having some thoughts. Since technology is my only companion for the next 14 days, I figured Iā€™d just word vomit them all here. ENJOY! :D

The virus

Does anyone else feel like corona is a living breathing entity just shrouding us as we move about the earth? I feel like itā€™s like a Dementor in Harry Potter. Nowhere is this more prevalent than in the airport: its prime breeding grounds.

Iā€™m surrounded by masks and hand sanitizer. My hands are dried out from excessive washing. This is inconvenient because I really like to be nicely moisturized for my flights. Most shops and restaurants are closed, including Pret (whatā€™s the point of being in London if I canā€™t get Pret?

Also, on that note, like 8 of my favourite people in the world live in London. Whatā€™s the point of being in London if I canā€™t visit my fave humans? Corona is ruining layovers for me. One of my biggest travel hacks is to schedule a 7+-hour layover so you can leave the airport and explore the city. Itā€™s like a free trip. This airport quarantine is killing my vibe).

Anyway. You can feel it here. Everyoneā€™s suspicious of everyone. There are signs saying to keep a two-metre distance from others. Every 15 minutes, the speaker goes ā€œYour attention, please. Please keep an appropriate distance between other passengers and the airport staffā€. If someone coughs, theyā€™re met with death stares ā€” A HAZARD TO US ALL. Someone sat two seats over from me and I stared them down like HOW DARE YOU.

Passing the time

I am a travel writer, so thereā€™s got to be some content in this whole thing. These are weird and uncertain times for travellers. Iā€™m harnessing my experience with COVID-19 to pitch editors, do some writing, document this crazy crazy time. I also started Survivor (WINNERSATWARRRR omg so nostalgic), ate some soup, vid called with my South African lover, you know, the usual stuff. Balance.

When I get home, Iā€™ll be heading into 14 days of self isolation. Iā€™ll be met with an SUV full of groceries and warm clothes at the airport. My mom says sheā€™s gonna throw the keys in the car lol so dramatic.

Anyway, for the next two weeks, all Iā€™ll have is time. I am a social human and this may just drive me crazy. So this brings me to my next point:

Now is the time

Guys, this is the time we need to dig deep. This is the time for self motivation, to tap into our passions, our talents, focus on getting where we want to be mentally and in our lives. Do yoga, meditate, dance, facetime your friends, get a hobby, write, work, hustle, manifest. Breathe.

I know a lot of you are struggling. I am SO SO sorry. People have lost their jobs, donā€™t know whatā€™s next for them in life. Some of my friends are stranded in Cape Town or other places around the world ā€” if I had booked my flight after tomorrow (Thursday), I wouldā€™ve been stuck in South Africa. The country is going into lockdown tonight at midnight and no oneā€™s allowed to leave except for essential purposes, and all domestic and international flights are prohibited.

I had kinda braced myself for that happening and TBH wouldnā€™t have minded :) Stuck in Cape Town? Twist my arm. But itā€™s different when you arenā€™t planning on it and literally have no choice.

So to anyone going through a major life change, know that this is the time to manifest your next move, this is crunch time, this is make-or-break. Weā€™ll get through this, and it may be the nudge youā€™ve been desperately needing, so turn it into something positive. Our planet is taking this time to reset and rejuvenate. Have you seen how clear the canals are in Venice? Be like Venice, guys.

Cape Town

I left my spirit city and have gotten so many nice messages ā€” I love that city, it owns my heart, and Iā€™ve been obnoxiously obvious about it so have gotten so many nice messages about you guys being sad for me that I have to leave.

Iā€™m sad too and had a morning of waterworks, but itā€™s okay!

To be honest, if I had to leave, this actually softened the blow. I was actually supposed to leave on the same date anyway (although I was supposed to fly to LA to meet my family, not friggen self isolate for 14 days but kay) and my visa was set to expire at the end of the month. Cape Town is heading into winter, it was even *shock* RAINING * the day I left. All my besties had fled the country already. The country is locking down for 21 days starting tonight at midnight. Like all the signs pointed to it being time to move on. Itā€™s not easy because these last three months have been my perfect life and it will never be replicated and I am gonna miss everyone and my mountains every day.

But itā€™s all good. Iā€™ve said goodbye to amazing chapters of my life before and they always find me again, or I find them or manifest them. And Iā€™ll be back to Cape Town ā€” soul mates like us canā€™t stay apart for long ;)



Kellie Paxian šŸ’ƒšŸ¼

A freelance travel content creator, currently chasing wanderlust and wifi around the globe.