The Zodiac Signs

Kelli Fox Horoscopes
14 min readAug 9, 2016


The Twelve Zodiac Signs

There are twelve signs in the Zodiac, one for each month of the year. Unfortunately, the signs and the calendar don’t align perfectly. The Zodiac begins in mid-March, not on January first; and signs span from roughly the 20th or 21st of one month to the 19th or 20th of the next, not the 1st to the 31st. (Are you confused yet? No? Good!)

When someone asks you what your sign is, they’re referring to your Sun Sign — where the sun was in the Zodiac at the exact moment of your birth. But every other planet in your birth chart is also located in a particular sign, and is influenced by that sign’s unique energy. This explains why everyone who’s born under the influence of the same Sun Sign can still have such vastly different personalities; each of us is made up of a complex and unique combination of influences from the twelve signs, the twelve houses and all the planets, asteroids and points… Now, that’s definitely getting complicated! But clearly, having lots of planets in a certain sign in your chart will only intensify that sign’s influence in your life.

Each sign of the Zodiac is associated with a particular symbol, usually an animal, like the Ram (Aries) or the Bull (Taurus); an element, such as Air (Gemini) or Water (Cancer); and a quality, such as Fixed (Leo) or Mutable (Virgo). Each of these variables helps us to understand more about the signs that influence us and the energy inherent in each.


A cusp is that mysterious boundary between one Zodiac sign and the next. When the Sun, or any planet, changes signs, it shifts the energies from one to the other. If you were born on the cusp of two signs, you may feel like you embody characteristics of both, but the actual sign you were born under is your true, natural sign.

Look at it this way: Humans love order. We can’t control Mother Nature, but we sure can try! When it comes to time, we’ve devised all kinds of systems: calendars, clocks, Daylight Savings in the summer… We run on schedules, but the universe isn’t so regimented. For example, we have Leap Years because our 365-day calendar doesn’t reflect the actual, natural cycle of a year; we adjust for the slight variation with an extra day in February every four years.

Because the Zodiac does not align perfectly with the calendar, there can be confusion about when the Sun changes signs. But really, there is no confusion. According to astrology’s mathematical calculations, you’re born under one sign or the other; not both. If you were born on a cusp, you may feel influenced by both signs, and for good reason. Planets that are close to the Sun, like Mercury and Venus, often lie either in the same sign as the Sun in your birth chart, or in the sign just before or after. Your Sun sign is still the core of your being, but you’re also strongly influenced by the other planets’ placement in your chart.

Aries 3/21–4/19

Aries is symbolized by the Ram, which is highly appropriate — this sign is headstrong and impulsive, and won’t often back down from a challenge or confrontation. While confrontations can be exciting, they can also lead to a frustrating locking of horns with an imagined foe; and that, in a nutshell, explains a significant part of the Aries experience.

A Cardinal Fire Sign that’s ruled by Mars, the planet of passion, it’s no wonder that Aries is one of the strongest, most impulsive and courageous signs of the Zodiac. This sign is fearless when it comes to challenge and conquest — and yes, that can apply to love as well as any other kind of adventure. Aries will pursue a relationship with the same single-minded energy that they’ll apply to any other project, and they won’t often let obstacles keep them from reaching their goal. That’s why any interaction with this sign equals big excitement!

But sometimes, that excitement can verge toward agitation. Aries is as hot-blooded as it is warmhearted, which can mean a fiery temper to match that strong drive. This sign gets mad fast when it doesn’t get what it wants; the good news is, it will rarely hold a grudge. There’s too much to do and see in life to waste time clinging to old, outmoded emotions! While another sign would still be stewing in its juices, Aries is already off jumping headfirst into the next adventure.

Aries people make great race car drivers, CEOs and Karate instructors.

Taurus 4/20–5/20

Taurus is symbolized by the Bull, an association that is quite apt. This sign can be very stubborn, and tends to dig in its heels when faced with the need to step aside or — shudder — change course. But Taurus is also one of the strongest signs of the Zodiac, and can pull its own weight and then some when necessary.

A Fixed Earth Sign, Taurus defines stability, which can get dull — sometimes this sign becomes a stick in the mud. Thank goodness it’s ruled by Venus, the love planet! Venus lends Taurus a healthy dose of sensuality and a pleasure-loving streak about a mile wide. That’s why so many Taureans are built sturdily, with strong bones and muscles and some extra meat on their frames — they love to eat rich, delicious foods almost as much as they love lying around, cuddling with their sweetie. They’re charmers, in touch with all the sensual pleasures of life, which means they get a bit lazy from time to time. After all, why work hard when life is so deliciously enjoyable?

But Taurus also has a strong back that’s made for hard work, and an excellent grasp of resources. While this sign won’t shy away from spending a nice chunk of cash on something that’s really worth it — a new, gorgeous outfit or a luxurious dinner at a five-star restaurant — it also knows when the credit card is maxed out and it’s time to pull back.

Taureans make great restaurant critics, farmers and luxury boutique owners.

Gemini 5/21–6/21

Gemini is symbolized by the Twins, those playful, mischievous little beings that speak perfectly to the heart of a Gemini! The most playful, and devious, sign of the Zodiac, Gemini has the energy of two people, and all the diverse interests and urges that go with it.

A Mutable Air Sign that’s ruled by Mercury, the communication planet, Gemini is all about communication and the intellect. This sign’s best friend is someone who will stay up late with them, discussing everything under the sun. Quick-witted and highly observant, Geminis don’t miss much; they have an agile sense of humor and a real need for freedom — intellectual, romantic and otherwise. That’s right, Geminis like to play around a lot, including in their love life. There are just so many interesting people out there! And this sign gets bored fast. Plus, Geminis tend to intellectualize their feelings, so they’re not much for sentimentalism and deep, gooey emotional bonding (ick!).

Geminis can also be indecisive, precisely because they have so many divergent interests and urges that they may not know which one to follow first. As a result, they can be wishy-washy, changing their minds with zero notice. But what they lack in steadfastness, they make up in spades in excitement. This sign has the well-deserved reputation of the life of the party, and is also extra fun to have along on a road trip, a visit to the bookstore or the theater…well, anywhere, really!

Geminis make great writers, journalists and photographers.

Cancer 6/22–7/22

Cancer is symbolized by the Crab, which makes a lot of sense when you take that sensitive, emotional nature into account. When things get tense, Cancer goes into self-protection mode, pulling into its shell until the trouble clears.

A Cardinal Water Sign, emotional Cancer is ruled by the Moon, which explains that ultra-sensitive moodiness. But Cancer isn’t all about protecting itself; not even close. This sign is the caretaker of the Zodiac, who will go to great lengths to keep its loved ones safe and supported. Cancers are nothing if not deeply connected with their families, and would do anything for their friends as well — even if it doesn’t always seem like it. Cancer can come across as a very introverted sign, but that doesn’t mean they don’t care. This sign can get so emotional that it doesn’t know how to express itself, and there’s that handy shell again, ready for Cancer to retreat to.

For this reason, Cancers need to surround themselves with caring types who understand their moods, which can fluctuate as often as the moon (as in, every day!). And in return, this sign will offer its friends and family the gift of steadfast devotion and support. Cancer’s interest in family goes deeper than the immediate present, by the way. This sign is a natural historian with its interest in ancestry, genealogy and lineage. They’ll just as happily spend hours mapping their family tree as they will cooking up a feast for their loved ones.

Cancers make great chefs, caretakers and historians.

Leo 7/23–8/22

Leo is symbolized by the Lion, and this sign personifies all the leadership, pride, warmth, courage and strength of the King of the Jungle. And it brings its own touch of drama to boot! This sign has a real taste for the exciting and dramatic, which makes for a stimulating friend indeed.

A Fixed Fire Sign that is ruled by the brightly-shining Sun, Leo loves to be the center of attention, and like any good drama queen, can get pretty stubborn when it doesn’t get its way. Ever wonder why so many actors are Leos? It’s because their bigger-than-life personalities are made for the stage. They have a healthy sense of their own egos, and they adore being in the spotlight.

But despite what can seem like egotism, Leos make wonderful, devoted friends. Loyalty is one of their strongest points, and as long as they feel they’re getting the proper attention and respect from their loved ones, they’ll return the favor with grand gestures of devotion. Grand gestures, in fact, are Leo’s forte. This fiercely romantic sign will go to dramatic lengths to woo the object of its desires. Leo won’t just stop with a dozen roses; it will deluge its lover with a roomful of fragrant blooms. And dinner and a movie? Amateurish! Leo loves luxury and finery, and will treat a date to the finest five-star restaurant, or better yet, a private rooftop feast catered by the best chef in the city.

Leos make great movie stars, theater directors and managers.

Virgo 8/23–9/22

Virgo is symbolized by the Virgin — but don’t take that too literally. While this sign can be prim and fastidious, it also has a wild side. That reputation of virginity has much more to do with purity and perfectionism than sexuality, although Virgos can be a bit reserved or even prudish behind closed doors until they find the right person with whom they can relax and let their hair down.

A Mutable Earth Sign, Virgo may seem to hold back — this sign is more comfortable with following someone else’s lead than with getting out there, front and center — but despite that prim aloofness, Virgo carries its own brand of understated sensuality. And though this sign is very discriminating about everyone and everything, when it falls in love, it only wants to be of service to its mate. That’s how this sign shows its devotion, and while it may take a long time for Virgo to reach the point of commitment in love, once that bond is forged, it’s stronger than steel.

Virgo is also devoted to its friends, and wants to help out in any way possible, including by offering advice…which can verge into criticism. Ruled by Mercury, the planet of communication, Virgo is all about getting its ideas across, even if they’re coming across as nitpicking. This sign means well; what looks like criticism is actually Virgo’s never-ending quest for perfection. It’s a tall order for anyone, but if anyone can do it, Virgo can.

Virgos make great accountants, research analysts and healthcare practitioners.

Libra 9/23–10/22

Libra is symbolized by the Scales, which are all about balance — Libra’s lifelong pursuit. This sign is happiest when everything around it is in equilibrium; when everyone is happy and getting along, and there are no major injustices making life seem less sweet.

A Cardinal Air Sign that’s ruled by Venus, the Love Planet, Libra is all about living the sweet life. Parties and romance are just two of this sign’s favorite pastimes. Libras can’t stand confrontations and seek out happy, beautiful people. Their motto might be, ‘Why can’t we all just get along?’ For this reason, they make excellent partners in love and business, but they can also be somewhat wishy-washy. Libra would rather waffle around, not really giving a solid response to a question, than put its foot down on an issue and potentially alienate or upset someone. This sign is known to be indecisive, but really it’s that Libran desire to please getting in the way of ever taking a firm stance.

Similarly, Libras can be prone to telling little white lies, also in the name of sparing someone’s feelings. This is the friend that will say, ‘That dress looks great on you!’ when secretly, they think it adds ten pounds to your frame. And this is the lover who won’t speak up when their feelings are hurt, because they just want harmony at home. But whatever else one might say about a Libra, that search for harmony makes for a sweet, gentle and refined friend.

Libras make great diplomats, artists and party planners.

Scorpio 10/23–11/22

Scorpio is symbolized by the Scorpion, which immediately calls to mind that poisonous tail that can lash out and sting when its victims least expect it. Scorpios can be like that, when highly upset or pushed into a corner. This is a complex, passionate sign that sometimes acts in passion rather than thinking things through properly first.

A Fixed Water Sign, Scorpio is ruled by both Mars and Pluto, which is where all that passionate intensity comes from, mixed in with emotions that run miles deep like a fathomless ocean — and, of course, the stubbornness to match. Whew — what a combination! It’s no wonder this sign is known to be incredibly intense. Scorpio has so many things going on under the surface, it’s a wonder it can seem so put together. But that passion and intensity make for a highly compelling personality. Scorpio is one of the sexiest signs of the Zodiac, and its reputation is matched only by its reality — as a magnetic, brave sign that can become possessive and vengeful when given proper motivation.

It’s true — Scorpios can make formidable enemies, and they’re only slightly less intimidating as friends. They love to control their surroundings (including the people around them), and often take a behind-the-scenes approach to manipulation. But it all comes from a good place — that drive to connect, to know as deeply as they want to be known.

Scorpios make great psychologists, dramatic actors and surgeons.

Sagittarius 11/22–12/21

Sagittarius is symbolized by the Archer, that truth-seeker of the Zodiac who sends out arrow after arrow, aiming for the horizon. This is much the way that Sagittarius operates in life: striking out into the unknown with a far-reaching, idealistic vision of the possibilities inherent in the universe.

A Mutable Fire Sign, Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter, the planet of luck. And this sign does seem lucky — Sags are always falling into great experiences and opportunities, seemingly without effort. But maybe that’s because of that Mutable nature that allows them to go with the flow, switching course at a moment’s notice. What better way to bring luck into your life than to keep your eyes open for opportunities? Sagittarius is famous, however, for not being able to see the trees for the forest. This sign’s attention to detail isn’t the greatest; they’re too busy getting excited about the big picture to keep an eye on the little things.

Sagittarius has a reputation as a lifelong student and teacher, a people-lover and an adventurer. In short, this sign wants to get out into the world and experience everything and everyone in it! Yes, it’s true — this sign loves people and experience so much that it can find it hard to settle down with just one person. Sagittarius can’t stand routine; this sign thrives on spontaneity, so whoever claims the heart of a Sag will be someone who keeps them guessing.

Sagittarians make great teachers, travel guides and extreme sports athletes.

Capricorn 12/22–1/19

Capricorn is symbolized by the Goat. Picture that little mountain goat, always climbing to the top of the mountain — that’s Capricorn, ever ascending to the heights of their career. Capricorns are hard workers who feel a lifelong, inner need to impress others with their accomplishments and that healthy bank balance.

A Cardinal Earth Sign, Capricorns not only know how to get things going, they’ve got the perseverance necessary to get things done. They’re not much for risk-taking, though; this sign only likes risks if they’re the calculated type — and sometimes calculated, recalculated and figured out a third time. Capricorns work hard, and they like to see returns for their efforts (read: cold, hard cash). That’s right: Capricorns have an eye for the bottom line. Will it cost more money than it’s worth? Then Capricorn won’t do it. On the other hand, this sign will take a low-paying position as a stepping stone to something higher-paid and more prestigious.

It’s no wonder Capricorn is so conscientious and hardworking — this sign is ruled by Saturn, the taskmaster planet that urges discipline in all endeavors. And while Capricorns can be something of a stick in the mud, insisting on adhering to the plan, the itinerary or the routine, they also make incredibly loyal and devoted friends. Capricorn is an honest sign that lives by two mottoes: deceit doesn’t pay, and it takes twice as long to do it wrong than to get it right the first time.

Capricorns make great stock analysts, loan officers and news anchors.

Aquarius 1/20–2/18

Aquarius is symbolized by the Water Bearer, the humanitarian of the Zodiac who brings water to the parched masses and loves to lend a helping hand. More than anything, though, Aquarius likes to feel different from everyone else around them. This sign will hang out with extremely conservative types as a foil to their liberal tendencies.

Although its symbol is the Water Bearer, Aquarius is in fact an Air sign, not a water sign. Fixed Air Aquarius embodies both stability and the urge to roam freely. Guess that’s part of being co-ruled by Uranus, the planet of rebellion, along with Saturn, the planet of discipline. Uranus’s changeable, unpredictable nature paired with Saturn’s focused energy; the steadfastness of Fixity paired with the free-flowing quality of Air… Which influence should Aquarius follow? This sign is definitely an interesting blend of characteristics: communicative yet guarded; always seeking out the new and unusual, and yet most comfortable with staying the course. What’s the old yarn about Aquarius? ‘They love humanity. It’s people they can’t stand.’ What a strange mix of contradictions!

Aquarius is the most freedom-seeking sign of the Zodiac, which can make this sign rather hard to pin down. To be romantically involved with an Aquarius means accepting that, as soon as you get to the party, that Aquarius lover will disappear into the crowd without a backward glance! But even though this sign can have trouble getting comfortable when it’s one-on-one, Aquarius is one of the most devoted and loyal of all the signs.

Aquarians make great philanthropists, inventors and scientists.

Pisces 2/19–3/20

Pisces is symbolized by the Fish, those two little creatures whose scales glint in the sun as they follow where the stream takes them. And just as that stream can symbolize the subconscious mind or the winding path of life itself, Pisces is like those fish, swimming along in the currents, taking what comes and throwing off rainbows as it goes.

A Mutable Water Sign, fanciful Pisces knows exactly how to go with the flow. This sign is perfectly happy following someone else’s lead, especially if it’s the lead of a trusted loved one. Pisces is a highly romantic sign, one that tunes in on an intuitive, almost psychic level to its friends and lovers, intuiting their emotional needs and doing what it can to meet them. This is the sign that brings home stray puppies because it can’t bear to see them left alone and hungry, which is a wonderful quality…but one that can get Pisces into trouble from time to time.

Ruled by Neptune, the planet of illusion, this sign thrives on fantasy and imagination, and easily slips into savior fantasies. Pisces can be a champion of lost causes, because its inherent idealism blinds it to the fact that some people and situations just can’t be saved. On the other hand, that love of fantasy can make for a very imaginative friend and lover (and some overwhelming lovemaking experiences!). And that desire to meet others’ needs makes for an incredibly caring, sensitive soul.

Pisceans make great poets, dream analysts and massage therapists.



Kelli Fox Horoscopes

Kelli Fox, Astrologer. Accreditations include: CA NCGR IV, PMAFA, ISAR C.A.P., AFA, and FAA.