Kelly Hyman: Lawyer, Advocate, and Media Commentator, Shares Her Family History to Shed Light On Mental Health Awareness

Kelly Hyman
3 min readJun 12, 2020

Kelly Hyman is a highly driven and passionate attorney who spends much of her time helping to facilitate change in the world for the better. Kelly Hyman uses her fame, her education, and her experience for good. If she finds a cause that is worthy, she will likely bring about the change she strives for with tenacity and vision. May is considered Mental Health Awareness Month, and there is still too much of a stigma about mental health issues that block many from receiving the help they need to thrive.

Kelly Hyman has experienced a few of the challenges many people face in America today when it comes to finding the appropriate care and shedding stigma because her father and her half-siblings on her father’s side has had struggles with mental health issues. The topic is a personal one for her.

Kelly Hyman Is Spreading Awareness About Mental Health

Kelly Hyman works tirelessly when it comes to social justice issues. Mental health may not be a topic many people want to discuss but there needs to be a normalization when it comes to mental health issues so those who suffer can receive care in a judgment-free, easy treatment way comparable to getting a broken bone repaired. The problem is that we can not see a mental health struggle the way a broken bone is clearly visible with a clear treatment plan for the doctor to follow. But even if we cannot fully understand all the aspects of mental health, as a society we can improve measures for treatment and normalize the idea of receiving care without judgment. Kelly Hyman is a valuable asset to the cause as an advocate to spread mental health awareness in May and the rest of the year. Because of her impressive career, social connections, and tenacity when a cause is close to her heart, Kelly Hyman will continue to spread her message for social justice and stand up for causes she believes in every month. May is a great time to set aside for Mental Health, in particular, to shed extra light on the topic for those who cannot do so themselves.

About Kelly Hyman

Attorney Kelly Hyman stays impressively busy advocating for causes she cares about. She is a member of the Florida Bar, Colorado Bar, Washington D.C. Bar, and the New York Bar, in addition to the American Association for Justice. She was the former President of the Federal Bar, Palm Beach Chapter. Kelly Hyman is a democratic political and legal analyst that has had several television and radio appearances related to her expertise and passion including Law & Crime, Fox News, The Ingraham Angle, and Fox and Friends First, and the Ethan Bearman show, “Issues and Ideas” with Chris DeBellow, “The Whistleblower” with Mychal Wilson and the “Jiggy Jaguar” radio show. Be sure to check out her book “Top 10 Reasons to Dump Trump in 2020” released in 2019.



Kelly Hyman

Kelly Hyman is a political commentator and legal analyst. Denver, CO