Dad At 65
Me at 58

Is Heaven Real?

Kelly L Sharp


Sometimes I Wonder if Heaven is Real…

He was just one man.

A simple man.

He never had much.

He never needed much.

But, still, he shared and gave all he had.

To his wife.

To his sons.

To his friends.

(And especially to kids who had even less.)

I learned by watching him.


Dad, these last three years have been rough. I’ve been sad.

A lot.

A whole lot.

I wish you’d been here. Just having you around would’ve made things better.

It’s been 15 years — to this very day — since you’ve moved on.

I wish you didn’t have to go.

And I don’t know if you can hear me anymore.

Because heaven feels a long way away.

But if you can, I want you to know: I’m forever grateful.

Without you, I would have never learned how to open my heart…

…how to open my home…

…or how a man is supposed to love others.

I’ve made many mistakes, Dad.

Selfish, stupid mistakes.

I know I disappointed you.

Please forgive me.

All I ever wanted was to make you proud.

Please don’t lose faith in me.

I’ll fight to be more like you until I breathe my last breath.

On that day, I’ll join you by the pond out east of Bessie, the one with the mysterious 11-pound bass that always got away.

And as I reel in that most elusive of fishes…

…you’ll walk over to me…

…you’ll put your strong hand on my shoulder…

…then I’ll hear you say…

…”Look at me, son.

I’ll turn to see your soft blue eyes and your gentle smile.


“Yes, Dad?”

“I’m proud of you, son.”

Then I’ll finally know that heaven is real…



Kelly L Sharp

Small town boy recruited to most exclusive Ivy-League University (Brown ’85) I write to grab you by the throat. I mentor young men. Love conflicting viewpoints.